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Pentagon and U.S. Intel Elicit Fear Over Cuba/Russia Chess Move

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
CSIS has put forth a report, ‘Bending The Architecture’. …”the global governance system is in disarray”… They are finally recognizing that they are losing the global order under the totalitarian regime they instituted. “The G7 should establish a formal leader-level outreach mechanism to the Global South and middle-power economies to demonstrate inclusivity and confer legitimacy on the body as a global governance institution.” And so, based on this view, they will fail completely.

The G7 has made a MESS of their colonies. Instead of fixing their mess, they believe other countries will readily submit to their old means of blackmail sanctions. Revealing CSIS is living in an alternate universe powered by the intellect debasement that has caused their failure. America is laughed at by the powers that the G7 desires to colonize. They can’t show their successes, because there are none. And therein they madly dog paddle as a fifty foot wave is mere seconds away…

The BRICS. Despite the BRIC’s growing exponentially during the Israel Regime ruling America, CSIS would rather minimalize this transformative global ideology, instead of actually learning from it. The BRICS win because they are not interested in coups, climate change, DEI, pandering, sanctions, and wars. This is what the G7 now represents. While certain western governments cling to the failed Cartel, The People do not. Unable or unwilling to recognize the model has failed will only hasten the collapse.

What would a Western collapse look like?

It has now been stated that Biden Handlers have brought into the US 30 million illegal unvetted immigrants. There is serious concern that given these illegals are deposited into predominantly inner cities with a majority of black urban dwellers, that the civil war could be initiated as a power play amongst these two groups. Police would stand down. Mad Max meets Escape From NY.

This week, a Zionist call went out for all American Jews to leave immediately. Europe’s largest cities such as London, Paris and Berlin are hearing similar calls. It is a given that the Zionist powers anticipating a Trump win are calling for massive protests, chaos, and fires. But the Zionists are split in half – favoring Trump vs favoring a continuation of a virtually dead Brandon in the White House. Break out the Kamala.

Having dutifully chosen Kamala for her lack of popularism, her lack of IQ, her lack of fulfilling her job, they failed to anticipate that she is now their only option to having Brandon collapse as his son is carted off to 20 years behind bars. The Cracker Cackler. The fact that no one on either side of the aisle can stand her would require her to institute Martial Law in order to maintain the Zionist control of our government.

Martial Law would have to be approved by Congress. Blackmail seems to do wonders with these infidels illegally inhabiting Washington, DC.

Ironically, Putin has decided this is a good time to camp a nuclear sub on our Florida coastline as drills are conducted with their ally – Cuba. Making the Pentagon more than a bit nervous. Which was the intention.

The CSIS Report is so frail in its intel or understanding, it is cringe worthy. They continue to consider the G7 as the Global Order that just needs a bit of massaging in order to regain their power and control. To achieve success, the report details nine areas that need to be addressed – Indo Pacific countries, Climate Change, Ukraine, Food Security, Economic Resilience, Labor, Global Economy, Disarmament, and Digital Competitiveness. A simplistic regurgitation.

In essence the report is saying, ‘let’s just do what we’ve always done and try and get back the loyalty of Africa while decimating Russia.’ Maybe after all the forums and committees convene over the enxt ten years – things will have magically changed…

After Blinken gave the CIA the go ahead to lob missiles deep into Russia, begin mobilizing 300,000 untrained troops on Russia’s border scattered within four different countries, The Pentagon has no idea what to do now that Russia and China are building military bases on Cuba. A brilliant move that launches no strike – but imparts a deep fear into the miniature brains running our military and America.

Instead of addressing the mediocrity our military has become, the forced deaths and injuries promulgated by a jab that was a biological weapon, The Pentagon demands BLM training, Equity training, handbooks about race relations, and jailing three kids for making black tire marks on a street art project called the Pride Flag.

This is what AIPAC brought to America in their secular ploy to turn us into the Funny Farm. All while flailing their arms and screaming because they have been out maneuvered by Russia and China. Oddly, they can’t understand why we might be a bit Peeved.

So now their solution is to convene ‘task forces’ to conduct forums and committees and useless garbs of nonsense to determine how to make the next move. Because they are frozen. Thousands of military and intel heads are frozen. They have no strategy because all they know is bully-bully. US Taxpayers paid for fools and jesters to run America into the ground. We are a resilient lot. Which is why Soros said the only way to take out America was from Within. Now we need to put Humpty Dumpty and all his King’s men in Gitmo and rebuild from scratch.

Reprinted with permission from

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