Andrew McCabe, who was the head of the FBI that was just fired because of yet undisclosed issues relating to his involvement in the conspiracy to charge Trump with 'Russian Collusion', conducted by Clinton, Comey, Clapper, the DNC, Fusion GPS, members of Obama's administration, and a host of others in both public service and private enterprise, has a GoFundMe campaign that has now raised over $500,000 to defend him.
We, The American Patriot Union, are holding a rally at Mt. Rushmore the 15th of this month and we need to raise money to cover the costs of it. To date we've raised about $2000 and the majority of that money was contributed by the volunteers who are also working to coordinate the rally.
Now.... here's my question... how are we going to beat the Left like this? These criminals on the Left have people pouring money into their defense. But we Patriots that are trying to fight them are struggling to make ends meet trying to demand they be prosecuted. If you think that's how we save America....I don't think so.
Below this post are three ways you can help us. Comments on Facebook are not going to do the job of restoring our country. Standing together and fighting this evil is.
Click here to support Mt. Rushmore Rally - Patriot Union organized by Michael Hutton
This fundraiser is to cover the expenses of the Patriot Union Rally at Mt. Rushmore on April 15th, 2018. Speakers will present speeches for no cost but the
Main website being developed and links to details and the rally at
We, The American Patriot Union, are holding a rally at Mt. Rushmore the 15th of this month and we need to raise money to cover the costs of it. To date we've raised about $2000 and the majority of that money was contributed by the volunteers who are also working to coordinate the rally.
Now.... here's my question... how are we going to beat the Left like this? These criminals on the Left have people pouring money into their defense. But we Patriots that are trying to fight them are struggling to make ends meet trying to demand they be prosecuted. If you think that's how we save America....I don't think so.
Below this post are three ways you can help us. Comments on Facebook are not going to do the job of restoring our country. Standing together and fighting this evil is.
Click here to support Mt. Rushmore Rally - Patriot Union organized by Michael Hutton
This fundraiser is to cover the expenses of the Patriot Union Rally at Mt. Rushmore on April 15th, 2018. Speakers will present speeches for no cost but the
Main website being developed and links to details and the rally at