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Notice from GAB

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Truly despicable. It's kill the messenger, not the message.

With all of the crackpots on Facebook and Twitter making various threats, should we be expecting their closure anytime soon?


Active Member
Oct 29, 2018
Truly despicable. It's kill the messenger, not the message.

With all of the crackpots on Facebook and Twitter making various threats, should we be expecting their closure anytime soon?
Am I the only one who knew GAB was down for 5 days prior to the shooting? During that time I kept trying to find out what was going on and there was nothing on the net and even after inquiring with my 8K (combined) worth of followers, many of whom were GAB subscribers like myself, there were not answers .... until after the shooting and then answers were abound. I find this disturbing as if something was going on behind the scenes. I also noticed that just before they went down (5 days prior to the shooting) that they had only raised 65% of the funds needed to keep the site operational. If things are as they appear to me, the shooting saved GAB who now has the national attention they desperately needed. If that is true it opens up a completely different set of questions.
Reactions: Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
If things are as they appear to me, the shooting saved GAB who now has the national attention they desperately needed. If that is true it opens up a completely different set of questions.
We probably only know a fraction of what's really going on.

The Democrats seem to have impeccable timing, don't they?


Active Member
Oct 29, 2018
I have done extensive research in the area of control I mentioned but the results we so contrary to everything any of us learned in school that in general I keep those results to myself or most people would think I was batshit crazy which is why I always tell people to do their own research and warn them about the result to their own psych if they pursue such a path
As far as the Democrats timing is concerned .... I think that is way overshadowed by their obvious treachery. Frankly you have to be pretty brain dead not to see how corrupt the left is.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
As far as the Democrats timing is concerned .... I think that is way overshadowed by their obvious treachery.
The Democrat party is no longer a political party, but rather, a destabilizing force.
Frankly you have to be pretty brain dead not to see how corrupt the left is.
Which is why the media is constantly beating the leftist drum. If a lie is repeated enough, people will believe it.
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