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Night of the Living Refugees

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Recently, our beloved migrants- of untold numbers from all over the world, have been in the forefront of the news. Well, when I say all over the world, I should emphasize it’s the nonwhite world. That’s an integral feature of this ugly phenomenon. And it’s more essential to the Great Replacement than Affirmative Action ever was.

First, we heard about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings in Chicago. The police were said to be oddly disinterested, as were the local authorities. A mayor called it “fake news.” In response to yet another apartment building takeover in Aurora, Colorado, there were rumors that the Hell’s Angels, of all people, were going to ride to the rescue and do the job American police wouldn’t. But as must see TV as that would have been, a battle between outlaw bikers and U.S. government sponsored migrants never transpired. The fact checkers told us that there was “no evidence” that the Hell’s Angels were going to be involved. And no one stepped forth from the Hell’s Angels to address the issue. I guess the Hell’s Angels don’t do PR. Are the Hell’s Angels the White Hats QAnon keeps hyping, instead of thugs who rev their engines unnecessarily in an attempt to intimidate people?

The “Woke” establishment, not surprisingly, insisted that Venezuelan gangs weren’t taking over apartment buildings anywhere. That was a “racist” slur on the good name of Venezuelan gangsters, who are known the world over for their civility and charitable works. We saw videos of men in masks, wielding assault weapons, in the halls of some building. Were they actually from Venezuela? Were they recent arrivals, or immigrants who’ve been illegally enjoying their stay here for years? Were they gang members, or merely violent criminals unaffiliated with a gang? They could have been crisis actors, hired to further terrify a public that has demonstrated it will unquestioningly obey any authorities if subjected to enough fear porn. At any rate, whatever it was, the Venezuelan problem has receded into the background. There proved to be bigger migrant fish to fry. Or more accurately, bigger dogs and cats.

For typically unfathomable reasons, our illustrious leaders have permitted some 20,000 Haitian refugees to flood the town of Springfield, Ohio in the last four years alone. One Haitian who was driving illegally caused the death of a child in a crash with a school bus. City residents were understandably outraged. City officials, and our impotent immigration authorities, weren’t. Haitian flags have popped up all over Springfield, including one raised at a flag day celebration at city hill. Incredibly, the American flag wasn’t raised in the same celebration. The Haitian flag, the LGBTQ+ flag, the Israeli flag, the Ukrainian flag- any flag will do as long as it can’t be associated with dead White Betsy Ross. Raising a foreign flag over your city hall? Isn’t that a sign of occupied territory? Have city officials literally surrendered? Why are they referred to as “refugees?” What exactly are they refugees from?

And apparently, the family of the eleven year old Ohio boy, killed by one of these indispensable Haitian migrants, was upset enough to speak before the City Commission. Not at the Haitian who killed their precious child. Not at the government condoning and promoting such a suicidal immigration policy. No, they were upset at Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, for using their son as a “political tool.” “This needs to stop now. I will listen to them one more time to hear their apologies,” the father declared during the Commission’s public comment period. He sounded like a state controlled “journalist” when he belittled the accounts of Haitians eating pets. So the child’s parents support this insane agenda? Which cost their son his life? As a parent myself, their attitude is incomprehensible. He even said “I wish a 60 year old White man had killed my son.” Is it any wonder why some people talk about hoaxes?

But while the death of a child was as tragic as it gets, things didn’t reach a critical mass until there were widespread reports of Haitians eating dogs and cats. Cutting the heads off ducks and eating them in public parks. You know, simple homespun American traditions. And we thought Hispanics weren’t assimilating by refusing to learn English, throwing their trash in the streets, and urinating in public. The Haitians aren’t about to learn English, either, by the way. So from the legendary land of voodoo and zombies, we are now being culturally enriched even further, by having our pets abducted and eaten. Yes, I know the city manager denied this. Would you expect someone who allowed a foreign flag to fly over his city hall to admit that pets were being eaten by these lovable migrants? And the fact checkers all assure us that there is “no evidence” Haitians eat dogs and cats, especially American dogs and cats.

You’d think that, with all the dog and cat lovers in America 2.0, there would be considerable anger over these reports. Particularly from the rapidly growing Cat Lady community. But all we got was a picture of Taylor Swift on social media, lovingly holding a cat. This was supposed to “debunk” all those crazy “racist” stories about Haitians eating pets. See- Taylor Swift’s cat looks happy! So it’s all just Russian propaganda! Promulgated by Vladimir Putin, who oddly has endorsed Kamala Harris for president. It’s a Russia, Russia, Russia thing, you wouldn’t understand. And now Taylor Swift has joined comrade Putin in endorsing Harris. Americans were absolutely shocked to hear this. Who could have predicted that a vapid Hollywood celebrity would be endorsing a Democrat? Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has verified the Haitian pet eating allegations. He’s probably a Russian asset.

But it’s not just Taylor Swift’s cat- Linda Ronstadt’s cat is safe and well, too! Ronstadt ranted against Trump’s “hate show” on Instagram. Representing all dog owners, Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac fame posted a photo of her and her pet, signed “Childless Dog Lady.” It’s disillusioning to know just how airheaded the musical acts I enjoyed as a youth really are. Bruce Springsteen has toured with Barack Obama. Imagine if The Beach Boys had toured with LBJ. It just wouldn’t have been the same. J.D. Vance created a monster with his “childless cat lady” comment. Now all the many childless celebrities are coming out of the closet, and celebrating their childlessness. It’s like another #MeToo movement. Whatever happened to the #MeToo movement, by the way? I guess if you’re an aging entertainer, you try to stay relevant. But they’re going to have to commit me if Elvis Costello comes out and says Oswald did it.

Both Black and White residents of Springfield, Ohio, have angrily testified to seeing Haitians decapitating cats in public. Somebody tell ABC News. Maybe this whole “Cat Lady” thing has been severely exaggerated. What about the kittens! This is really just an extension of Santeria, which is a Latino bastardization of Catholicism. It involves animal sacrifice. The “racist” authorities permit it because migrants have freedom of religion, too. The recently passed Antisemitism Awareness Act suggests that freedom of religion ends when certain passages in the New Testament are quoted. Maybe the “anti-Semites” ought to start sacrificing animals, too. We’ve all heard that dogs taste like chicken. For some of us, there are laws against abusing, let alone killing and eating, household pets. But not for illegal nonwhite migrants? Some animal abuse is more equal than others.

I haven’t heard any concerns expressed by the ASCPA, or any other group advocating on behalf of animals. We know that while women’s groups have never once been upset over the endless allegations of sexual assault on females by professional athletes, they did become apoplectic when former player Michael Vick was revealed to have conducted an illegal dog fighting ring. So they don’t really care about current player Tyreek Hill, who has a criminal record Al Capone would be envious of, including punching his pregnant baby mama in the stomach, and breaking his little boy’s arm. Instead, they believe the cops used excessive force on him last Sunday, when they pulled him out of a car after he was clocked going over 100 mph. They could have hindered his ability to ever assault any pregnant woman or small boy again. Tyreek Hill is a victim of systemic racism. Say his name!

Maybe if the Haitians are proven to have organized dog fighting matches, and recruited Michael Vick as special consultant, then a bunch of angry animal lovers might be motivated to protest. But while Vick was just another Black football player, easily replaced by the continuous Affirmative Action products masquerading as “students” at our institutions of higher learning, 20,000 or more Haitians is another problem altogether. How do you address the issues caused by just these 20,000 illegals, if there was widespread cases of dog and cat napping, and even instances of barbequing them in front of their terrified owners? Lots of dead and living “White Supremacists” laid the groundwork for this untenable situation. This is what they expected, and what they wanted. And obviously, the current leaders in Springfield, Ohio, Washington, D.C., and everywhere else in this collapsing country, want it too.

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The post <a href=https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/09/no_author/night-of-the-living-refugees/ target=_blank >Night of the Living Refugees</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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