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NBC Wants Christians To Remember White Supremacy This Easter Sunday, Please And Thank You

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Leave it to self-loathing libs to turn Easter into something it's not.

[URL='https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/easter-sunday-christians-must-remember-how-easily-often-our-faith-ncna861796']Check out this op-ed from NBC

Opinion | Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove: This Easter, Christians must remember how faith is used to defend white supremacy https://t.co/gLaTi4QAE6 via @NBCNewsTHINK

— NBC News (@NBCNews) April 1, 2018

So nice for NBC to grace us with this drivel on Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday, when Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is also —and not accidentally — a tragic anniversary in American history.

On Easter Sunday 1873, 145 years ago, hundreds of white men in Colfax County, Louisiana, took up arms after Sunday morning worship services and marched to their county courthouse to reclaim control of the local government from representatives who had been democratically elected by black and white people voting together. Standing their ground in the hopes that federal reinforcements would arrive in time, every defender of democracy at the Colfax County courthouse was murdered.

Oh wait. There's more.

And what is true about our past is at play in the present: Christianity's redemption narrative is being deployed again today toward disparate visions of what kind of nation America should become. As a white evangelical in this land, I can't celebrate Easter in 2018 without working to reclaim the concept of redemption from the forces that attempt to use my faith and its founding stories to defend white supremacy.

Excuse me? Who's using the resurrection of Christ to promote white supremacy, exactly?

I'm not going to recap the entire article, because it's chock-full of self-righteous mumbo jumbo. But the end is the WORST. Emphasis mine:

Like Jesus, King too was murdered. King died 50 years ago this week while seeking to build a cross-racial coalition to address inequality in America through a Poor People's Campaign. In a redemption story, every crucifixion demands a resurrection. We who believe in love and justice in America this Easter must reclaim redemption from those who would use it to prop up white nationalism and bigotry. To fail to do so is not only to dishonor the memory of King and the defenders of democracy in Colfax County; it is to reject the life and witness of the resurrected Jesus, whom Christians worship today.

I hate this entire article, because it's based on the premise that we're actively using the gospel of Jesus to promote white supremacy, and THAT IS NOT HAPPENING. Anyone who knows Jesus knows something as awful as white supremacy can't even BE justified Biblically. It's contrary to the word of God.

I'm so over liberals and their desperate attempts to portray us as nasty, religious bigots.

Everyone's letting NBC know how they feel about this ridiculously timed op-ed.

Happy Easter from NBC – I guess.

— Based Monitored
(@BasedMonitored) April 1, 2018

Can I expect to see @NBCNews publish a critical opinion piece on Islam DURING Ramadan?#EasterSunday#RessurectionSunday https://t.co/q8K8Gln0Tb

— Conscious Caracal (@ConCaracal) April 1, 2018

Fat chance.

This is why Trump won. Keep it up fake news degenerate nbc news!

— Emmy The Deplorable
(@emmy600) April 1, 2018

Wow, this is a really, really garbage take – but I expected nothing less from NBC.

— Drizzle (@drewsername) April 1, 2018

By DEMOCRATS…those are DEMOCRATS in those KKK hoods.

— Harry Gato (@harrygato) April 1, 2018

oh, I cant wait for your Ramadan and Eid articles

— Good LORD, what is happening in there? (@JackJackinovic) April 1, 2018

Well, you're going to be waiting a while…

Fixed it for you. pic.twitter.com/VByQuHMKRh

— Rants Outloud (@RantsOutloud) April 1, 2018

NBC is utter garbage, none of us are surprised

— Ted Cazynski (@BozacSupertramp) April 1, 2018

Ramadan begins on Tuesday, May 15th this year. Can't wait to hear your opinion on that.

— INickThere4IAm (@inickthere4iam) April 1, 2018

Can't these guys go one day without bringing race?

— Eagle (@BeFairToTrump) April 1, 2018

Cheap shot @NBC news

— Political Parrot (@bvparrot) April 1, 2018

@nbcnews how nice you post an article about white supremacy with a picture of Democrats getting together.

— WhyKnow (@WhyKn0w) April 1, 2018

P.S. Christianity is observed by many different races.

— Heather Mae (@HeatherMaebee) April 1, 2018

Christianity…the only religion you can demonize on the holiest of days. #ShameOnYouNBC

— Mrs. Opinionated (@1MrsOpinionated) April 1, 2018

Absolutely ridiculous article on Christianity's holiest day, but unsurprising coming from NBC news.

— S Hoff (@SHoff83845516) April 1, 2018

This is disgraceful, @NBCNews.

— M.Ramirez (@cybr_gk) April 1, 2018

True Christianity breaks down barriers. There is no race or nationality in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ came to reconcile all humanity to God. All those who believe in His Name.

— Penny Guinnette (@GuinnettePenny) April 1, 2018

Yeah well, NBC doesn't have time for that take.

@NBCNews I don't know how you recruit your journalists, but just take a look at the comment section and realize how out of touch you all are with the average person.

— Arthur (@magickSword) April 1, 2018

That's exactly what I was thinking. Look around. Look at the responses on that tweet alone. People are fed up with this partisan garbage. Enough is enough.

I'd tell NBC to do better, but I know I'd be wasting my breath.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/01/nbc-wants-christians-to-remember-white-supremacy-this-easter-sunday-please-and-thank-you/ target=_blank >NBC Wants Christians To Remember White Supremacy This Easter Sunday, Please And Thank You</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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