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Nancy Pelosi Vows Democrats Will Raise Taxes if They Take Back the House at a “Repeal the Trump Tax” Town Hall (VIDEO)

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Nancy Pelosi wants to take away your tax cuts crumbs.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Wednesday in a Culver City town hall the Democrats will repeal the GOP tax cuts if they take back the House in the 2018 midterm elections.

Nancy Pelosi and Ted Lieu appeared at a Culver City, California town hall as part of a “Repeal the Trump Tax” tour on Wednesday.

The room full of liberal sheep frantically sent a barrage of social media messages to D.C. demanding a repeal of Trump's tax bill after Dem leaders urged them to join the rebellion against the GOP.

“Over 80 % of the benefits go to the top 1%. 86 million middle class families will see a tax increase while they advertise it as a middle class bill,” Nancy Pelosi said to the group of liberal sheep.

Radical left-wing Rep. Ted Lieu then chimed in, “It is going to result in deep cuts to Social Security, to Medicare, to all these critical programs that serve a lot of Americans.”

There is no evidence to back up Ted Lieu's claims, but when do facts matter to Democrats?

The “Repeal the Trump Tax” tour is set to hold 100 nationwide events on the weekend of April 14th, ABC News reported.

The Democrats are running on a platform of raising taxes and keeping our borders wide open. If they aren't stopped, they will permanently entrench their party with a huge amnesty push as soon as they are able.

Watch the liberal sheep attending the town hall demand Trump's tax cuts be repealed:

The post Nancy Pelosi Vows Democrats Will Raise Taxes if They Take Back the House at a “Repeal the Trump Tax” Town Hall (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The post <a href=http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/nancy-pelosi-vows-democrats-will-raise-taxes-if-they-take-back-the-house-at-a-repeal-the-trump-tax-town-hall-video/ target=_blank >Nancy Pelosi Vows Democrats Will Raise Taxes if They Take Back the House at a “Repeal the Trump Tax” Town Hall (VIDEO)</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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