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MSNBC Panel Blames AR-15 for the Waffle House Shooting

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

You know, there's stupid, and then there's this mass brainfarting session dialogue about gun control on MSNBC. Everyone else has been talking about the evils of the certifiable shirtless loon who popped-off on unsuspecting Waffle House customers. Not MSNBC though. They've nailed down the real culprit in this kerfuffle. The dreaded AR-15.

Take a listen:

“What is your message, I guess I want to ask, to those who say, ‘Don't touch my guns no matter what'?,” Stephanie Ruhle fretted to Bret Stephens. Stephens proclaimed: “Well, that's exactly it. The problem that we have is that we have not just a legal regime, but a culture in which the way in which guns are treated as sort of ordinary household implements is precisely what leads to the deaths of the sort we just saw in Waffle House.”

The “legal regime” he's referring to, whether he knows it or not, is the Constitution. The NRA's only “crime” is fighting to spare the Second Amendment from the left's Wite-Out. They aren't fighting to make the right to bear arms a reality. They're fighting to keep it as-is. The way it was written.

Also, guns have been ordinary household implements since forever. Believe it or not, there wasn't always a McDonald's on every street corner. In the history times, if you wanted some food, you had to kill or grow it. I dare anyone to think of a better tool for putting down a deer or protecting your crops and family than a good, old-fashioned lead-slinger. Frankly, the lack of a gun in every house is the newer development.

But guns are not as “common” as that pair of scissors you keep misplacing. Nor are they treated as casually.

Glaude proceeded with his fact-free rant by actually blaming the inanimate object itself for the murders:

“We want to understand it. This case crystalizes for us everything we find wrong with the current gun control debate, right?

I agree, actually. There's no way, under current law, this mass-murdering douchelord should have had a gun. Or anything other than a bus ticket to a “hotel room” with cozy pillow-top walls.

The government took their best shot at controlling his guns. Then gave the guns back to daddy dearest. Nevertheless, the bad guy managed to do a show-and-tell of his badness right in the middle of the Waffle House. This is yet another rock-solid case where gun laws were a failure. Yep, everything wrong with the gun debate indeed.

And we can say here, we can sit here and say that [shooter Travis] Reinking was mentally unstable or is mentally unstable. We can say that. And we can let people make – draw their conclusions between kind of mental health issues and gun violence.

There's no conclusion in need of drawing. It's abundantly clear the shooter's eggs are scrambled. He lives in perpetual fear of Taylor Swift. Look what she made him do. He's gone to the place with the bars for rolling up to the White House uninvited. This is an unstable individual, regardless of whether he has a gun or not. He's got a blank space, baby. In his head.

But we don't want to do that, what we want to say is that there was an AR-15, a weapon of mass destruction, in a Waffle House….the real criminal here is that AR-15.”

Why is it the black gun is automatically a criminal, huh? Leftists claim to not hate rifles with wooden stocks. Yet they go on tirades like this one, saying black rifles have no place in America. Calling them criminals. Holding them down with oppressive laws. All for being the wrong color.

We've been joking about leftists thinking guns are sentient since God only knows when. This is the first time I can recall where somebody made that argument without even a hint of irony.

This black-rifle-hating dunce would have you believe the AR-15 used voodoo, because all black rifles know voodoo, to possess an innocent white boy. The rifle then made the honky carry him into the Waffle House, where he sprayed his pellets into innocent people. Then, the rifle played dead and let the cracker take the fall. Case closed.

Yeah, I don't think trying an inanimate object for murder is going to work out all that well. Just saying.


The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/msnbc-ar-15-waffle-house/ target=_blank >MSNBC Panel Blames AR-15 for the Waffle House Shooting</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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