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MSNBC Host Humiliates Herself When She Mistakes Common Sound For Gunfire

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace was a bit skittish in reporting about the tragic shooting at YouTube's headquarters in California on Tuesday.

Wallace, is a noted gun-grabbing liberal Republican (who isn't on MSNBC?) who has said: “the Republican Party … has blood on its hands” after the school shooting in Parkland, got a little hysterical on set when she turned an average everyday office sound into an alarm that there were gunshots going off.

She was reporting on the YouTube shooting, tying it back into a partisan mindset prior to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, when somebody in the studio opened a can of soda.

Wallace immediately mistook it for gunshots.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace mistakes someone opening a can of soda for gunshots. pic.twitter.com/8ZSVIUt0iN

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 4, 2018

“Steve Schmidt, I always go back to the horror of 9/11 and the complete reliance, you know, we're in our tribes, we're in our corners most of our lives,” Wallace reported when the assault soda can opened fire.

“I think we just heard some gunshots. Should we listen to that for a second, control room? Not gunshots? Okay. They'll tell us if there's something we need to dip in and listen to.”

Social media viewers immediately mocked Wallace for her mistake.

I found the shell casings. Police have been notified. pic.twitter.com/g3TXKMHQcK

— Patrick Scot (@PatrickScot6) April 4, 2018

You can hear the disappointment in her voice.

— Daniel Russell (@Evildog46) April 4, 2018

Natural mistake. The proliferation of soda cans in the Middle East have been blamed for the Arab Spring, the rise of ISIS as well as urban terrorism around the world. The crisis in N.Korea can be traced to Kim Jong Un trying to open his own can processing plant.

— Mlad (@brinjak) April 4, 2018

To be fair, Wallace may have simply heard Senator Dianne Feinstein's expert description of an AR-15.

Shooting someone with an AR-15 is “as if you shot somebody with a Coke can,” she said.

“A handgun [wound] is simply a stabbing with a bullet. It goes in like a nail.” With the high-velocity rounds of the AR-15, “it's as if you shot somebody with a Coke can.” https://t.co/xkyw3pEtjn #BanAssaultWeapons

— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) February 26, 2018

Wallace was clearly concerned about being shot with a Coke can.

Our friends at NewsBusters point out this ironic tidbit – Wallace had been interviewing MSNBC law enforcement analyst Jim Cavanaugh, who once surmised that the explosion at an Ariana Grande concert terrorist attack may have simply been a balloon.

MSNBC reporters are so hell-bent on demonizing guns that they're confusing shots fired with soda cans and explosions with balloons. Perhaps those items should be banned from their offices.

A soda-free zone.

Share this video with all your friends and family so they know how ridiculous MSNBC has gotten!

The post MSNBC Host Humiliates Herself When She Mistakes Common Sound For Gunfire appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/msnbc-soda-can-mistakes-common-sound/ target=_blank >MSNBC Host Humiliates Herself When She Mistakes Common Sound For Gunfire</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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