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MS-13 Directive to Members: “Go Take Out a Cop”

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Leftists can dismiss MS-13 all they want (see Parents of MS-13 Victim Slam Democrats' State of the Union Disrespect and MS-13 Gang Members Busted for Gruesome Murders. Guess How Many are Legal Citizens…). The combo of the gangsters being Hispanic and oftentimes illegal leads the left to regard the threat of MS-13 as exaggerated.

In reality, MS-13 leaders are openly putting hits out on police officers. So the left can take their apathy. Shine it up real nice. Turn it sideways. Then, promptly stick it where they usually keep their heads.

MS-13 has directed its members to “take out a cop” in a terrifying directive that has police on high alert across the New York area, according to a new memo obtained by The Post.

Police are hunting for the gang member suspected of putting out the hit order — a tall, light-skinned Hispanic man with a thin build and a tattoo of three dots next to his eye.
Cops in Hempstead, one of the Long Island towns the violent gang has terrorized, were tipped off to the threat Wednesday by a “credible” informant, the NYPD memo said.

The member of the Salvadoran gang told the informant they needed to make a “statement” and specifically wanted to kill a cop in the Hempstead area.

It's not just cops who are on duty either.

“You have a license plate that says FOP [Fraternal Order of Police]. You might wear a T-shirt that says what precinct you work in. A cop's a cop. They don't know who you work for. FOP is for everybody.”

Well, those hardly sound like the actions of “peaceful, family-oriented” jumpers of fences, now do they?

The left is willing to ignore examples like this in the name of seeking votes “inclusion” and “multiculturalism.” Methinks they'll be singing a different tune when MS-13's machetes begin swinging in their direction. Then, something will just have to be done.

There are some areas where the Donald is deserving of our criticism. Quite a few. Just take a look at his Twitter feed and…hey look, there's something else. On the other hand, when it comes to his crackdown on illegal immigration, he's been as advertised. Just taking the threat seriously in the first place is a welcome change from his predecessors.

Now, lets just hope he can take care of this MS-13 problem, once and for all.


The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/ms-13-kill-cops/ target=_blank >MS-13 Directive to Members: “Go Take Out a Cop”</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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