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Michael Moore Compares Lawmakers in White to Army of the Dead from ‘Game of Thrones’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
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Feb 22, 2018
By Zachary Leeman | February 6, 2019

In a truly bizarre reaction to President Donald Trump's Tuesday night State of the Union address on Capitol Hill, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore used a “Game of Thrones” reference to describe the Democratic congresswomen who chose to dress in white for the address.

“The Women in White — what must Trump have thought when he saw this unstoppable sight?” began Moore.

“He saw his future. His near future. They are coming for him. The White Walkers. He tried to avert his eyes to the sea of white men on his left, to no avail. No amount of Tic Tacs will save him,” Moore added on Twitter, with a picture of the women next to an image of Tic Tacs.

The Women in White — what must Trump have thought when he saw this unstoppable sight? He saw his future. His near future. They are coming for him. The White Walkers. He tried to avert his eyes to the sea of white men on his left, to no avail. No amount of Tic Tacs will save him. pic.twitter.com/burOjYci6m

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) February 6, 2019

The “White Walkers” statement is a reference to HBO's massively popular fantasy series “Game of Thrones.”

On the show, the characters face an impending threat called the White Walkers, a mysterious zombie army that destroys everything in its path.

In the series, the group is also called the “army of the dead.”

If Moore is trying to celebrate these women — then comparing them to an “army of the dead” is certainly a bizarre way to do it.

It's also a bit odd that he would compare them to what amounts to a group of villains on a popular television show.

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It either shows Moore's complete incompetence as he attempts to make a “hip” reference — or it just shows that he will do anything and everything to attach himself to whatever trending liberal movement is happening.

He's a filmmaker who is desperate to stay relevant, especially in the wake of a project that was a complete flop for him last fall.

For more, check out the video below:

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette.com:
Pelosi and ‘White Pant Suit Crew' Take Heat for Sitting Stone-Faced Through Much of Trump's SOTU
Hollywood Conservatives React to Trump's State of the Union: ‘Awesome'
Hollywood Reacts to Trump's State of the Union: ‘Murdering Clown Buffoon'

The post Michael Moore Compares Lawmakers in White to Army of the Dead from ‘Game of Thrones' appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/michael-moore-game-thrones/ target=_blank >Michael Moore Compares Lawmakers in White to Army of the Dead from ‘Game of Thrones’</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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