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Mark Zuckerberg Trashed During Testimony Over Treatment of Diamond and Silk

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

If Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg didn't know who Diamond and Silk were before today, he sure as hell knows who they are now.

The Trump-supporting duo, famous for their lively videos boosting the President, just got a much-needed assist from sitting GOP lawmakers, who challenged Zuckerberg on Facebook's suppression of conservative voices.

Earlier this week, we learned that Diamond and Silk were censored on Facebook, having their reach cut significantly. The ladies went on “Fox and Friends” to express their dissatisfaction:

“When we signed up with Facebook they didn't say this platform was only for liberal views” –@DiamondandSilk slam Facebook for declaring their content ‘unsafe to the community' pic.twitter.com/66uPi43bBv

— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) April 8, 2018

The timing turned out to be fortuitous. Zuckerberg took the hot seat this week before Congress to address numerous matters related to privacy and Facebook's role in the 2016 election. Most of what happened during the hearings were too dumb to repeat. But, Zuckerberg did end up facing some tough questions about conservative censorship, specifically Diamond and Silk. First, Sen. Ted Cruz laid into Zuckerberg over conservative content being suppressed. Then Rep. Marsha Blackburn stuck up for Diamond and Silk, asking why Zuckerberg thinks it's OK to censor the ladies:

Rep. Blackburn: “Do you subjectively manipulate your algorithms to prioritize or censor speech?”#Zuckerberg: “There are types of content like terrorism that I think we all agree we don't want to have on our service.”

Blackburn: “Diamond and Silk is not terrorism.” pic.twitter.com/2wRL3K3JHH

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 11, 2018

Then Rep. Billy Long got into the action, asking the same type of question:

Billy Long: “Do you recognize these folks?”
Mark Zuckerberg: “I do.”
Long: “Who are they?”
Zuckerberg: “I believe — is that Diamond & Silk?” pic.twitter.com/TVxALG4Rgd

— Josh Billinson (@jbillinson) April 11, 2018

It's about time Zuckerberg was held to account for censoring innocent women like Diamond and Silk!

Did you enjoy watching Mark Zuckerberg have to answer tough questions about Facebook censoring conservatives? Tell us your thoughts below!

The post Mark Zuckerberg Trashed During Testimony Over Treatment of Diamond and Silk appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/mark-zuckerberg-diamond-silk/ target=_blank >Mark Zuckerberg Trashed During Testimony Over Treatment of Diamond and Silk</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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