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Mark Zuckerberg Is Having Trouble Defining ‘Hate Speech’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

The big news of the day? Mark Zuckerberg's testimony before Congress. The most entertaining part, by far, was Sen. Ted Cruz grilling him on conservative censorship on the platform.


Zuckerberg doesn't have a legit answer. And here's the thing: Facebook is ALLOWED to be biased. Just don't pretend to be a “platform for all ideas.”

ANYWHO. At another part of the hearing, Zuckerberg suggested that in a few years, Facebook will have AI tools which will supposedly “catch hate speech” before it's posted.

Mark Zuckerberg says in 5-10 years they'll have AI tools that are sophisticated enough to catch hate speech before it's posted

The number of ways in which fake information will be able to spread via tech in 5-10 years is going to be SO different than it is today

— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) April 10, 2018

One of the big problems here? We can't even AGREE on the definition of “hate speech.” According to the PC police, it's “hate speech” to tell a pro-choicer that abortion is murder. It's “hate speech” to refer to a transgender individual by their biological gender. It's “hate speech” to call Islamic terrorists “Islamic savages.” Heck– we've had students on college campuses suggesting that the American flag is “hate speech.” We've had the Iranian Foreign Minister calling President Trump's remarks “hate speech.” Leftists are straight up labeling Christian organizations “hate groups.” WAKE UP PEOPLE. At this point, hate speech is whatever the left doesn't want to hear.

This won't make you feel any better. Little ol' Mark Zuckerberg is having difficulties defining “hate speech.”

Sen. Ben Sasse stumps #Zuckerberg over hate speech, asks him: "Can you define hate speech?"

Zuckerberg pauses for a moment with a perplexed look on his face and struggles to answer the question. pic.twitter.com/uiL8f4vjW0

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 10, 2018

“I wouldn't want you to leave here today and think there's sort of a unified view in the Congress that you should be moving toward policing more and more and more speech,” Sasse said.

.@BenSasse: “I wouldn't want you to leave here today and think there's sort of a unified view in the Congress that you should be moving toward policing more and more and more speech.” pic.twitter.com/lp4UQ6kmED

— Fox News (@FoxNews) April 10, 2018

Sasse pressed on. He asked, “Can you imagine a world where you might decide that pro-lifers are prohibited from speaking” on Facebook? adding “It might be unsettling to people who've had an abortion to have an open debate on that, wouldn't it?”

.@BenSasse challenges Zuckerberg to define hate speech.

"Can you imagine a world where you might decide that pro-lifers are prohibited from speaking" on Facebook?

"It might be unsettling to people who've had an abortion to have an open debate on that, wouldn't it?" pic.twitter.com/mGHfnq4BWH

— IJR (@TheIJR) April 10, 2018

Sooooooooo AI technology is going to be able to target “hate speech” before it goes out, but Zuckerberg can't even define “hate speech.”

If that's not unsettling, I don't know what is.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/10/mark-zuckerberg-is-having-trouble-defining-hate-speech/ target=_blank >Mark Zuckerberg Is Having Trouble Defining ‘Hate Speech’</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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