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Man Who Claimed To Have Sex With Obama Is Super Jealous Of Stormy’s Attention

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Back in 2008 a dude named Larry Sinclair came out to say that he had an affair with Barack Obama.

He did a whole press conference about it:

He says he went down on Obama while he smoked crack cocaine… aaaaaand that's just the beginning.

Whooooo boy… ok then. That was…gross.

Anyway… this same dude is super mad that everyone cares about Stormy Daniels, but no one cared about him

According to Daily Caller:

The man, who once claimed without evidence to have had sex with former President Barack Obama, is now livid the media and public are believing adult film star Stormy Daniels' relationship with President Donald Trump.

Larry Sinclair, a 50-something-year-old man, alleged he had sexual relations with Obama in 1999. The story included a limousine, cocaine and a host of other interesting tidbits. There are few reports of the incident because Sinclair could never provide hard evidence, and he has a very long rap sheet.

So is he really all that reliable? No… not in the least.

News broke in early January that Trump's lawyer paid Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, a large sum in order to keep her affair with the president secret.

Michael Cohen, a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, was reportedly the architect of the $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford in October 2016. Clifford alleged the sexual encounter with the president occurred in July 2006, when she and the president met at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe.

Sinclair is upset at Daniels' recent press and the fact the media believes her.

“Stormy Daniels is being pimped and pimping the media now, and it's lining her pockets,” Sinclair told the Washington Examiner. “I believe she had sex with him. Do I believe she's trying to twist and add to it to benefit her interests? You're damn right I do.”

Wait… is he really upset about Stormy Daniels using this to make money…

…or is he upset he couldn't do the same? HAHA… I'm sensing some butthurt here.

“I find this whole double standard sickening, and no, I am not a bigger supporter of Trump, but I am a supporter of fair and unbiased media coverage,” Sinclair said. “I find the whole NDA and accepting money and then later coming back and using a completely legal incident for political and personal gain questionable.”

Again… I think it's pretty obvious that he's jealous…

But he's right on one thing…. IF what she says happened between her and President Trump is true… she's not even CLOSE to being the victim she says she is.

A porn star had sex with a billionaire. He gave her a CRAP TON of money to keep her mouth shut about it. He then becomes President of the United States… and she realizes she can juice a LOT more money out of this… so she does.

This whole “she's FIGHTING to tell her STORY!” bullcrap the left is trying to spin is so pathetic.

And of COURSE there's a double standard. I don't believe this guy, really… but there is NO question that the media did everything they could to protect and lift up their Golden Boi Barry O…

Meanwhile, you KNOW how they're covering Trump.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/03/24/man-who-claimed-to-have-sex-with-obama-is-super-jealous-of-stormys-attention/ target=_blank >Man Who Claimed To Have Sex With Obama Is Super Jealous Of Stormy’s Attention</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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