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Libs Say Trump Is Using The Strikes To Distract Everyone From James Comey’s Book And Stormy Daniels

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
These might be the most idiotic takes I've heard all day. (Eh, the day is young.)

Let's start with everyone's favorite hysterical lib, Rachel Maddow. Her immediate reaction to the strikes was…hysterical. She looked like she was about to cry the entire time.

She basically believes Trump ordered these strikes to distract everyone from his “chaotic” administration.

“It is worth considering on a night like tonight that there are national security consequences to having a presidency that is as chaotic as Mr. Trump's presidency, a presidency that is as consumed by scandal and criminal intrigue as his presidency is,” Maddow said.

“Even if you give the president every benefit of the doubt … what else is going on in the president's life right now unavoidably creates a real perception around the globe that that may have been part of the motivation both for what he did and particularly for when he did it,” she continued.

You know she's talking about Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, right?

She went on to say that the “perception that the president may have made these strikes in part because of scandal will affect the impact and the effectiveness of these military strikes — unavoidably.”

“It is a sad thing and it is an upsetting thing in terms of American influence in the world and the risks that we take when we use American military power anywhere,” she added.

Wow. Thank you Maddow for that STELLAR professional analysis.

Next up? Bill Maher. He casually wondered if President Trump ordered these precision strikes in order to distract everyone from trashy porn star Stormy Daniels.

“Well look, I hate to disappoint you, but not much happened this week,” Maher said at the beginning of his live monologue Friday night. “The offices of Trump's personal lawyer were raided; he had a meltdown over Jim Comey's book; the Homeland Security adviser quit; the speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, out; and we're attacking Russia in Syria as we speak right now, so things are really quieting down.”

“It looked like Trump was backing off his threat to attack Syria, but apparently he got the go-ahead from Fox & Friends today,” he continued. “I don't want to say this raid is meant to distract from his other problems, but it's called Operation Desert Stormy.”

Wait. He has some other theories too! Maybe Trump approved of these precision strikes so it would look like he's no longer Putin's puppet, even though he totally is. Heck, I bet Putin's in on this whole thing!

“What I can't imagine is Obama colluding with Russia, or what I think this guy might be doing: I don't put it past him to start a war and mix it up with Russia just to make people think, oh, I guess there is no collusion,” Maher explained. “I don't put anything past this guy.”

Maher waited until Trump became president to start being a “skeptical” guy. Isn't that amusing?

Meanwhile in fake conservative Ana Navarro's brain…

It is true Trump may have ordered strikes against Syria to distract attention from Comey book & Cohen investigation

It is true Assad is committing genocide. The international community cannot, must not allow him to kill Syrians ppl w/impunity

The two, are not mutually exclusive

— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) April 14, 2018

Ah yes. Comey's book. THAT'S why Trump did this. To distract everyone from Comey's stupid book.

As you can see, President Trump ordered these strikes for MANY reasons, none of which have to do with Assad's regime gassing innocent people.

Thank GOD for these analysts.

h/t Daily Beast

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/14/libs-say-trump-is-using-the-strikes-to-distract-everyone-from-james-comeys-book-and-stormy-daniels/ target=_blank >Libs Say Trump Is Using The Strikes To Distract Everyone From James Comey’s Book And Stormy Daniels</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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