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Liberals Melt Down Over ‘Presidential Alert’ Test, Say It Triggered PTSD


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
October 4, 2018

“The “Presidential Alert” test on Wednesday triggered episodes of “PTSD,” or “President Trump Stress Disorder.” Apparently it’s a real thing. Liberals claiming to be suffering from the disorder took to Twitter to share how the nationwide test shook them to their core.” writes Monica Sanchez.
“Some claimed that the alert gave them panic attacks. Others said that it reminded them of the false missile alert in Hawaii in January. One expressed outrage that the Trump administration would send her a text message “without my permission.”’
“Another went so far as to say that she felt “violated” by President Trump himself, adding, “He’s raping us through technology.”’
To Read Sanchez’s full story and to see the liberal tweets, CLICK HERE.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
Here in the UK, we have regular fire drills and fire alarm tests, don't they have that in the US?
Those pathetic whinners are beyond belief as if it wasn't obvious to every sane person that they are just hating on Trump.


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