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Liberal reporter tries to corner Kayleigh McEnany on ‘Obamagate’ crimes: It immediately backfires

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
A liberal reporter tried to corner new White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany about the alleged crimes of Obamagate on Friday, but the exchange did not end well for the leftist media.

CBS News Radio correspondent Steven Portnoy tried to get McEnany to talk about the exact crimes that President Donald Trump claims Barack Obama's administration committed by first pointing out that she is a lawyer herself, according to The Blaze.

“Perhaps you can lay out the elements of this crime. What crimes were committed and in what way?” he asked. It didn't take long for Portnoy to realize he'd made a huge mistake, as McEnany did not hesitate to lay out in detail exactly what crimes Obama committed:

I'm really glad you asked because there hasn't been a lot of journalistic curiosity on this front. Look, there were a number of questions raised by the actions of the Obama administration. The Steele dossier funded by the Democratic National Committee. Opposition political party to the president was used to obtain FISA warrants to listen in on conversations of people within the Trump campaign.

There was unmasking the identity of Michael Flynn. And we know that in a January 5th meeting in the Oval Office with President Obama, Sally Yates from the Department of Justice learned about the unmasking, not from the Department of Justice or the FBI, she learned about it from President Obama and was stunned and could barely process what she was hearing at the time because she was stunned of his knowledge of that.

We know that there was a lot of wrongdoing in the case of Michael Flynn. The FBI notes, for instance, that said should “we get him to lie” as they pontificated their strategy. We know that the identity of this three-decade general was leaked to the press, a criminal leak to the press of his identity in violation of his Fourth Amendment rights.
Portnoy tried to fire back by claiming that McEnany had only specified one crime, being the leaking of Flynn's name to the media. However, this retort blew up in his face as well.

“But if you want to start going through wrongdoing in the [Obama] administration, happy to go through Andy McCabe leaking to the Wall Street Journal and then lying about it,” McEnany replied. “Happy to talk about James Clapper lying before Congress saying the NSA does not monitor phone calls. That was an inaccuracy to say the least, if not a lie. John Brennan telling Congress that ‘the bogus Steele Dossier played no role in the Russian probe,' when in fact we know it did and was the basis of obtaining FISA warrants.”

McEnany indicated that these lies had been told under oath, which is a crime. “Perhaps you should look into it and give me some answers,” she said. “That is, after all, the job of reporters, to answer the very questions that I've laid out and I hope you guys will take the time to do it.”

White House Press Secretary @KayleighMcEnany on OBAMAGATE! pic.twitter.com/vIJtKO4zg1

— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 15, 2020
McEnany has only been the White House press secretary for a month, but she is already showing the liberal media that she is not someone to be messed with.

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