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Jimmy Kimmel Pretends To Apologize In Most Petty Way Possible

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Jimmy Kimmel and Sean Hannity have been engaged in a pretty vicious back-and-forth forth for a few days now.

It all started when Sean called Jimmy out for some pretty stupid jokes about First Lady Melania Trump.

Jimmy got SUPER defensive, said some REALLY gross stuff, and then Sean DEMOLISHED him with videos from his past.

Kimmel then got pummeled for what people considered a homophobic joke, and a petition to boycott Jimmy Kimmel has gained considerable steam.

He must sense there's NO WAY he'll come out on top of this… so today he issued an “apology”

re. @seanhannity pic.twitter.com/DMtWJTMsDU

— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) April 8, 2018

Holy mother of PETTY.

At first, I thought he was being sincere… it IS time both sides try to come together and stop fighting over nothing. He took some blame and promised to give his words “more thought.” He apologized to the LGBT community for his stupid gay joke…

and then it becomes CLEAR that he means NOTHING of this! Because he took MORE cheap shots at Hannity.

“I am hopeful Sean Hannity will learn from this too and continue his newly-found advocacy for women, immigrants and First Ladies and that he will triumph in his heroic battle against sexual harassment and perversion,” Kimmel wrote.

Really dude? REEEEALLY?

So basically all this apology was is “I might have made a tiny mistake… but I'm still not nearly as bad as THAT guy.”

Real classy, Jimmy. Super genuine.

What a complete and utter TOOL.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/08/jimmy-kimmel-pretends-to-apologize-in-most-petty-way-possible/ target=_blank >Jimmy Kimmel Pretends To Apologize In Most Petty Way Possible</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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