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Insufferable Stelter Gets SHREDDED For Gloating Over Laura Ingraham Boycott

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Laura Ingraham comes back from vacation tonight, and Lil' Stelter just haaaaad to make sure everyone remembers that there's a boycott still going on.

The boycott continues: When Laura Ingraham returns to her show on Monday night, it'll have noticeably fewer ads than other Fox talk shows. Here's my latest story… https://t.co/BQePWyhnoB

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 8, 2018

According to his post:

Laura Ingraham is returning to Fox News on Monday night — but some of her advertisers are not.

The 10-day-old ad boycott effort against Ingraham, led by student activist David Hogg, means that her show will have noticeably fewer ads than other Fox talk shows.

While the exact impact is not known, a Fox source confirmed that some of the network's regular advertisers are continuing to avoid “The Ingraham Angle.” The result is lighter ad loads during her hour.

Um… ok? Is this news? Is this really the only thing he could think to write about?

Oh wait, I GET IT. He's just gloating.

Cute, Brian. You're a real manly man.

As a member of the media the fact you applaud this is reprehensible. The amazing thing is you haven't the slightest sense of why this is so wrong. But then again ideologically stunted partisan hacks like you have no long range thought process.

— Steve Mieczkowski (@steveatmguy) April 8, 2018

Laura is awesome, the boycott is ridiculous and an unAmerican propaganda ploy that will NOT work…..I didn't read your” latest story” and really dont care what you think or say..CNN has no credibility, especially to conservatives…

— benfrank
(@douglas_sherrie) April 8, 2018

Exactly right, but Brian got a wee defensive about that…

But you gloat over boycotts against your competitors.

— Barbara Winston (@BarbaraS370) April 9, 2018

He's really “against boycotts” unless it means he can rub it in about someone he doesn't like.

We don't need to read or watch your “work” because you're always on twitter telling us how amazingly awesome you are. Sparky you talk about yourself more than a 16 year old cheerleader running for homecoming queen.

— Margie Far (@Margie_Far) April 9, 2018

I've seen your work smart guy and it's the crap that the rest of your network has turned into. No thanks, I'll stick with Laura Ingraham…

— Migraine481 (@migraine481) April 9, 2018

Biting news Brian! Fewer ads? Stop the presses the most trusted name in news has front pager !!!!!

— cardsfanstl (@saintlouiecards) April 9, 2018


The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/09/insufferable-stelter-gets-shredded-for-gloating-over-laura-ingraham-boycott/ target=_blank >Insufferable Stelter Gets SHREDDED For Gloating Over Laura Ingraham Boycott</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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