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How Can so Many Americans Hate America so Passionately?

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Several years ago I had a conversation with a friend that I had not seen for a while, about “current events” in America. During the conversation he looked at me with a very serious look on his face and said, “How did we get to this place in America”? At the time there were many different answers to that question. Now I have a different version of that question and it is, “How did so many Americans get to a point where they openly hate America so badly”? No matter how hard I try to understand the ”other side's” views, I cannot. At times I have even tried to give some of these people the “benefit of doubt” and say to myself that they do not really hate America. They are just being shallow and self-serving, and they simply have not thought about the actual consequences of their actions. But, then I remind myself that regardless of WHY they say and do the things that they do, they are not rational or reasonable, and they are helping the “One World Order” movement destroy America.

Here are a few recent examples of “Anti-American” activity:

  • The Democrats and the MSM have been absolutely disgusting in their attacks on President Trump's 3:00 A.M. meeting with the three Americans who were released from North Korean prisons. The disgusting public ridicule continued for several days. President Trump arranged their release, did not give North Korea anything for their release and gave up his night's sleep to greet them when they arrived back in America. Compare this to Obama's Bowe Bergdahl TRADE! Obama traded five of the world's worst terrorist for Bowe, a deserter and traitor, and held a Rose Garden press conference to brag about it without a single negative word from the MSM.
  • The Democrats and MSM are now claiming that General Kelly says bad things about president Trump behind his back. Saying this about a man with General Kelly's record of service to America and the sacrifices he has made in that service is beyond disgusting. They originally said this about Secretary Tillerson but now that he is out of Government service they are repeating the disgusting lie with a new target that is close to President Trump. It seems like the “Trump haters” have made up and told so many outright lies that they are now repeating some of them over and over again.
  • The Democrats are leading twelve different “investigations” about alleged misconduct by Scott Pruitt, the current head of the EPA. This is just like the alleged Trump campaign Russia collusion. If you have a “public microphone” then making unfounded accusations is all you need to attempt to destroy anyone that you do not agree with, regardless of the consequences to America.
  • When President Trump's transition team began to interact with people in positions of authority in other countries, as they prepared to be part of President Trump's Administration, they were viciously attacked for their actions by Democrats, the MSM and members of the departing Obama Administration. But now that John Kerry is blatantly, and illegally, talking with leaders of other countries against President Trump's decision to pull out of the ridiculous Iran nuclear deal the Democrats and MSM are referring to it as “shadow diplomacy”.
  • The Trump Administration worked quietly with Iraqi intelligence operatives to put together a sting operation that resulted in the capture of five senior ISIS officers. There was not a single mention about this by anyone on any MSM network.
  • The National Department of Education had a 2018 fiscal year proposed budget of 1 BILLION dollars. Betsy Devos, the Secretary of Education proposed a tiny budget cut, two billion dollars. Congress overrode her proposal and increased the budget by nine BILLION dollars! Congress increased the budget for a bloated federal agency that should not even exist!
As I said earlier, anytime I try and give anyone in the “Washington Cesspool” the “benefit of doubt” regarding why they say or do what they do, I have to stop and remind myself that “why” does not really matter. All that really matters is that they are deliberately hurting America on a constant basis and this must stop. If we do not keep President Trump in the White House, and control of the U.S House of Representatives and Senate on November 6, 2018, the future of America is dim. Patriotic Americans must continue to stand up and be heard, and VOTE!

The post How Can so Many Americans Hate America so Passionately? appeared first on iPatriot.

The post <a href=https://ipatriot.com/how-can-so-many-americans-hate-america-so-passionately/ target=_blank >How Can so Many Americans Hate America so Passionately?</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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New Member
May 20, 2018
How did so many Americans get to a point where they openly hate America so badly?
Leftard mentality is anti-reality and anti-reason. This makes them hate the good for being the good. The good in this case is the set of founding American values of Christianity, limited government, individualism, natural rights, and capitalism.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
How did so many Americans get to a point where they openly hate America so badly?
A lot of it is our fault. While we've been busy over the decades running businesses, raising families, going to church, etc. they've been busy wringing their hands on how to bring about communism. While we're busy doing the above, they're putting men in women's bathrooms. Which, by the way, is really meant to create even more division. It has nothing to do with 'bathroom rights'.

We've ALLOWED communists to infiltrate our learning institutions, government bureaucracies, and our media complexes. If you control the message (i.e. the media) you can control thought and opinions. That's why so many Americans have become useful idiots for the communist party. Make no mistake, communism is what we're up against.

The left have to destroy what has previously existed (hence, the lack of teaching our youth history) to install governmental tyranny.

p.s. Welcome aboard! We're happy you've joined us! :)
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