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Honoring Life, ‘Heartbeat Bill’ Is Signed by Georgia’s GOP Governor Brian Kemp

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) on Tuesday morning signed the so-called heartbeat bill into law in his state, something he campaigned on last fall when he beat Democrat challenger Stacey Abrams in the gubernatorial race.

It will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2020 — unless it is blocked in court.

The bill, HB 481, is known officially as the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act.

It will outlaw abortions in the state after doctors are able to detect a fetal heartbeat — which can occur as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.

Exceptions are permitted in the case of rape, incest, or if the mother's life is in danger.

Georgia's current law allows abortions to be performed up to 20 weeks.

“Before the signing of the bill, State Rep. Ed Setzler pointed to science, law, and the simple fact that common sense says a beating heart is a sign of life and those children should receive the full protection of the law. State Sen. Renee Unterman, a former nurse who ushered the bill through the state Senate, said she has waited her entire time as a legislator for this moment, calling it the ‘culmination of my political career,'” Fox News reported.

“Georgia is a state that values life,” Gov. Kemp also said before signing the bill into law.

“We stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves.”

NEW: Georgia Gov. Kemp signs legislation banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. https://t.co/ybGVVtRrmD

— NBC News (@NBCNews) May 7, 2019
The Heartbeat Bill is one of the greatest peices of legislation I have ever seen pass.

This is a great win for Georgians and a start to protect unborn children all over America.

Thank you Gov Kemp! I pray the rest of America follows your lead.

— Brandon Tatum (@TheOfficerTatum) May 7, 2019
Georgia's GOP Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law a "heartbeat" bill that blocks abortions as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected — typically at 6 weeks, before many women know they are pregnant.

It is the 4th state to implement such a law this year. pic.twitter.com/Wjvl6Fflhl

— AJ+ (@ajplus) May 7, 2019
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp expected to sign 'heartbeat' abortion bill https://t.co/jIe26iR9JH

— The Washington Times (@WashTimes) May 7, 2019
Noting that he's aware the bill will be challenged by opponents, Kemp also said, “But our job is to do what is right, not what is easy … We will not back down. We will always continue to fight for life.”

Opponents have vowed to sue over the bill's constitutionality.

Many of them say that because some women don't know they are pregnant when a heartbeat is first detected, the law virtually bans all abortions in the state.

Staci Fox, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast, said she had “one message for Gov. Kemp: We'll see you in court,” as 11Alive reported.

Related: Alyssa Milano and Others Threaten to Boycott Georgia Over Heartbeat Bill

Actress and activist Alyssa Milano had vowed earlier to boycott the state as a member of the film industry if the governor went through with the heartbeat bill.

“This dangerous and deeply flawed bill mimics many others which have already been deemed unconstitutional,” she and others wrote in a letter a few months ago. “As men who identify as small-government conservatives, we remind you that government is never bigger than when it is inside a woman's body or in her doctor's office. This bill would remove the possibility of women receiving reproductive health care before most even know they are pregnant and force many women to undergo unregulated, hidden procedures at great risk to their health.”

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The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2019/05/honoring-life-heartbeat-bill-is-signed-by-georgias-governor-kemp/ target=_blank >Honoring Life, ‘Heartbeat Bill’ Is Signed by Georgia’s GOP Governor Brian Kemp</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Between here in Georgia, and now Alabama.. Little by little, letting the pro-baby murderers know their time is coming to an end!

Pro-death merchants aren't welcomed anywhere!
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