Governor Gretchen Whitmer's mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis has been marked by one abuse of government power after another. Perhaps her most upsetting move was when she called abortion “life-sustaining,” saying the idea that abortions are elective procedures and should be postponed during the pandemic is “ridiculous.”
Got that straight, Michiganders? If you're looking to purchase seeds to start a victory garden, you'll be out of luck – but abortion is essential, the governor says.
On Sunday Whitmer doubled down, saying, “Not going to the gas station to fill up your boat … is a sacrifice but it's one that is worth it, because who among us wouldn't rather forgo jet-skiing or boating right now if it's going to save your grandparent or your neighbor's life?” The lives of unborn babies apparently don't count.
It's hard to imagine the state of mind necessary to think abortion, which takes the life of an innocent human being, is life-sustaining. Whitmer and her pro-abortion allies, who usually argue that abortion is a woman's “choice,” are now claiming abortion isn't elective after all. In truth, since pregnancy is neither a disease nor an illness, abortion from a medical standpoint is by definition elective. Even the abortion lobby admits the elective nature of the life-ending procedure: all of the reasons most frequently given for choosing abortion are social, not medical.
But abortion zealots like Whitmer are determined that, no matter what, abortion businesses stay open and abortion procedures go on during this coronavirus crisis.
Countless other businesses deemed nonessential have shut down for the sake of the common good – maybe permanently. These businesses support the livelihood of millions of people across the state. Only those that “do work that sustains or protects life can continue to perform that work in person,” Whitmer said explaining her executive order “stay home, stay safe.” It isn't clear how Whitmer thinks abortion businesses either sustain or protect life.
There are also the countless sacrifices being made during this crisis by Michiganders who postpone what would ordinarily be considered urgent medical procedures and treatments in order to conserve scarce resources like personal protective equipment for health care personnel who are tending to COVID patients.
Acting in good faith to protect the vulnerable within the community, many have forgone procedures and treatments that would significantly increase their own physical wellbeing. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a bulletin detailing examples of “elective medical services” to be postponed during the COVID-19 pandemic. They include the removal of painful kidney stones, hip and knee replacements, spinal surgeries, and the removal of certain types of cancers, like skin cancer.
One has to ask why abortion is so important to Governor Whitmer that she prioritizes it over those who have sacrificed so much personally, financially, and in terms of their own health and wellbeing. One explanation is that the modern Democratic Party has made abortion extremism a required tenet and is systematically pushing pro-life Democrats out. The latest casualty was a Tennessee state legislator who was kicked off his party's ballot, in part for voting pro-life, after serving for 26 years. In order to be vice president today, a Democrat must be more radical on abortion than the overwhelming majority of America.
Whitmer, however, sounds and acts like a true believer – affirmatively pro-abortion, and reflexively anti-Trump. Her abortion extremism comes at the expense of common sense and is especially harmful during this crisis. In a key battleground state like Michigan, where dissatisfaction is already on the rise, it could prove a fatal political liability.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List and national co-chair of Pro-Life Voices for Trump. Barbara Listing, President, Right to Life of Michigan.
This piece was written by Marjorie Dannenfelser on April 27, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.
Is COO Tricia Foster The Connection Between Governor Whitmer And Dem Operative Firm?
Michigan Facing Constitutional Crisis Over Governor Whitmer Power Grab
Opening the Country is Totally Political, Otherwise You'd Know who Governor Kevin Stitt is
The post Gretchen Whitmer's abortion extremism betrays residents of Michigan appeared first on LifeZette.
The post <a href= target=_blank >Gretchen Whitmer’s abortion extremism betrays residents of Michigan</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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Got that straight, Michiganders? If you're looking to purchase seeds to start a victory garden, you'll be out of luck – but abortion is essential, the governor says.
On Sunday Whitmer doubled down, saying, “Not going to the gas station to fill up your boat … is a sacrifice but it's one that is worth it, because who among us wouldn't rather forgo jet-skiing or boating right now if it's going to save your grandparent or your neighbor's life?” The lives of unborn babies apparently don't count.
It's hard to imagine the state of mind necessary to think abortion, which takes the life of an innocent human being, is life-sustaining. Whitmer and her pro-abortion allies, who usually argue that abortion is a woman's “choice,” are now claiming abortion isn't elective after all. In truth, since pregnancy is neither a disease nor an illness, abortion from a medical standpoint is by definition elective. Even the abortion lobby admits the elective nature of the life-ending procedure: all of the reasons most frequently given for choosing abortion are social, not medical.
But abortion zealots like Whitmer are determined that, no matter what, abortion businesses stay open and abortion procedures go on during this coronavirus crisis.
Countless other businesses deemed nonessential have shut down for the sake of the common good – maybe permanently. These businesses support the livelihood of millions of people across the state. Only those that “do work that sustains or protects life can continue to perform that work in person,” Whitmer said explaining her executive order “stay home, stay safe.” It isn't clear how Whitmer thinks abortion businesses either sustain or protect life.
There are also the countless sacrifices being made during this crisis by Michiganders who postpone what would ordinarily be considered urgent medical procedures and treatments in order to conserve scarce resources like personal protective equipment for health care personnel who are tending to COVID patients.
Acting in good faith to protect the vulnerable within the community, many have forgone procedures and treatments that would significantly increase their own physical wellbeing. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a bulletin detailing examples of “elective medical services” to be postponed during the COVID-19 pandemic. They include the removal of painful kidney stones, hip and knee replacements, spinal surgeries, and the removal of certain types of cancers, like skin cancer.
One has to ask why abortion is so important to Governor Whitmer that she prioritizes it over those who have sacrificed so much personally, financially, and in terms of their own health and wellbeing. One explanation is that the modern Democratic Party has made abortion extremism a required tenet and is systematically pushing pro-life Democrats out. The latest casualty was a Tennessee state legislator who was kicked off his party's ballot, in part for voting pro-life, after serving for 26 years. In order to be vice president today, a Democrat must be more radical on abortion than the overwhelming majority of America.
Whitmer, however, sounds and acts like a true believer – affirmatively pro-abortion, and reflexively anti-Trump. Her abortion extremism comes at the expense of common sense and is especially harmful during this crisis. In a key battleground state like Michigan, where dissatisfaction is already on the rise, it could prove a fatal political liability.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List and national co-chair of Pro-Life Voices for Trump. Barbara Listing, President, Right to Life of Michigan.
This piece was written by Marjorie Dannenfelser on April 27, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.
Is COO Tricia Foster The Connection Between Governor Whitmer And Dem Operative Firm?
Michigan Facing Constitutional Crisis Over Governor Whitmer Power Grab
Opening the Country is Totally Political, Otherwise You'd Know who Governor Kevin Stitt is
The post Gretchen Whitmer's abortion extremism betrays residents of Michigan appeared first on LifeZette.
The post <a href= target=_blank >Gretchen Whitmer’s abortion extremism betrays residents of Michigan</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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