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Gov. Newsom Asks For Millions To Protect Pro Choice

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
The fallout from the leaked document showing the Supreme Court supposedly overturning Roe v. Wade continues as protests have taken place in major cities across the United States. Pro Choice activists even protested outside of the houses of the Justices. Not to mention the constant speeches and declarations from the Democrats. But although there hasn’t been an official ruling yet, California Governor Gavin Newsom has decided to propose millions of dollars being spent for measures to protect pro-choice.

According to a press release, the Governor is asking for $1 million for a “Comprehensive Reproductive Rights Website.” Majority of the money would be needed “to develop and maintain a website that provides accurate and updated information to the public on the right to abortion under state law, information about reproductive health care providers, and options for coverage for reproductive health services, including state-funded coverage and programs.”

That wasn’t all as Newsom also asked for a staggering $40 million for “grants to reproductive health care providers to offset the cost of providing care to low- and moderate-income individuals who do not have health care coverage for abortion care services”. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s more.

The Democrat is seeking another “$15 million for grants to community-based reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations to conduct medically accurate and culturally competent outreach and education on sexual health and reproductive health issues” including “$1 million for research regarding the unmet needs for access to reproductive health care services.”

Again, Roe v. Wade hasn’t been overturned but when confronted with the possibility, Newson said, “California will not stand idly by as extremists roll back our basic constitutional rights; we’re going to fight like hell, making sure that all women – not just those in California – know that this state continues to recognize and protect their fundamental rights. We’re expanding access to these critical services, welcoming businesses and their employees fleeing anti-abortion states, and reaffirming our commitment to continuing to work closely with the Legislature and reproductive rights stakeholders to further solidify California’s leadership on abortion rights.”

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on May 12, 2022. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com and is used by permission.

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2022/05/gov-newsom-asks-for-millions-to-protect-pro-choice/ target=_blank >Gov. Newsom Asks For Millions To Protect Pro Choice</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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