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Google Isn’t Interested In Recognizing Easter, Apparently.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Google's notorious for recognizing every holiday– even the most obscure– by changing the font and adding some pictures or graphics on their main search page. But Paul Joseph Watson noticed something very peculiar.

There's nothing for Easter. Zip. Zilch. Nada. NO DOODLES.

So Google has a doodle for every obscure "woke" person/event imaginable, but nothing for Easter? #EasterSunday pic.twitter.com/izr3MsXmnB

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) April 1, 2018

I wouldn't expect them to have anything about Jesus, but there's not even a bunny or egg. Look.

I don't mean to drop into conspiracies, but it's kinda odd that Google opted out of commemorating a YUUUUUGE Christian holiday, no? To make matters worse, they've been doing this for a few years now.


— dont put name on twi (@sher308) April 1, 2018

you expect them to celebrate a christian holiday?

— (@hecanbemyjailor) April 1, 2018

Well they had a doodle for Christmas and St. George's day last year, both of course are Christian holidays. But it is bizarre as to why there isn't an Easter one.

— Finn (@pretttymediocre) April 1, 2018



— meghan (@muchmeghan) April 1, 2018

You'll have to wait for Ramadan

— Mike (@Mikejku) April 1, 2018

LOL but also… they're probably right.

No surprise there

— Lisa stewart (@lisastewart59) April 1, 2018

At this point, do we really expect Google to do anything for conservatives? They banned guns from shopping, ran out content creators from YT, and manipulated search results.

Only thing left for them is financial ruin.

— Zanard Bell (@megatonton) April 1, 2018

So @Google has a #doodle for every obscure "woke" #person/#event imaginable, but nothing for #Easter? #EasterSunday #ResurrectionSunday #Google ANTI-#Christian #Pope #HolidayStuff2018 pic.twitter.com/5yN8PRnRE3

— Bill D (@zeusFanHouse) April 1, 2018

They have one for Ramadan but not Easter

BOTH should be acknowledged, not just one.

— Zenobia
#FreeDankula (@ZenobiasDiary) April 1, 2018

I suppose it's o.k. so long as they don't do something for Ramadan or Passover or some Hindu or other religious celebration. Otherwise. Their policy of diversity and tolerance is a farce.

— Philip Cahalin (@PhilipCahalin) April 1, 2018

I noticed that about fb stickers too, not a single anything for Easter – shameful.

— lisakitter (@lisakitter) April 1, 2018

Wow. That is very telling.

— DerekFromCali (@DerekromTexas) April 1, 2018

I'd certainly say so. So disheartening. Google sucks.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/01/google-isnt-interested-in-recognizing-easter-apparently/ target=_blank >Google Isn’t Interested In Recognizing Easter, Apparently.</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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I saw that yesterday. Not even a mention or an Easter Basket.
For all their puffery, I believe the truth lies closer inside the minds of those that now run the site.
Easter is the holiest of days, millions of people are true believers. They snubbed them.
Unfortunately for Google, disregarding Easter only shows the world who is running it.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
For all their puffery, I believe the truth lies closer inside the minds of those that now run the site.
They are Marxists. The left must shame people out of religion in order to replace their beliefs with government. Leftism is their religion and government is their god.

They have to destroy our way of life in order to bring about the leftist dystopia.

When you realize this is what is happening, all of their actions make sense.
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