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Google Apologizes For Labeling Trudy A Bigot

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018



This is what came up when you GoogledRepublican senator Trudy Wade:


According to Daily Mail:

Google is under fire for the second time this week after a Republican senator was labeled a ‘bigot' in its top search results.

A photo of North Carolina senator Trudy Wade was displayed with capital red letters reading ‘BIGOT' across the bottom in the Google search results for her name.


Why Google?! What did poor lil' Trudy ever do to you?!

The search engine removed the photo and issued an apology to Wade, explaining how the image came to be the top photo on the Knowledge Panel, the area on the webpage that let's users access quick information next to search results.

This comes just days after Google's Knowledge Panel listed ‘Nazism' as an ideology of the California Republican Party in its results.

Yeah. Really.

Wade, a vocal Trump-supporter, is seeking re-election in District 27 against Democrat Michael Garrett for the second time.


Well yes, that explains it. Ooooobviously AL Trump supporters are bigots. Everyone knows this, right?

Google has issued an apology.

Google explained that the image came from a student news blog and was immediately removed Friday.

‘We apologize to Senator Wade that this image appeared in the Knowledge Panel in Search. Images that appear in the Knowledge Panel are either selected by verified users or are automatically sourced from sites across the web,' Google Communications said in a tweet.

‘We encourage individuals with a Knowledge Panel to get verified to select their own image, which can help prevent this in the future,' their statement read.

Well…that's nice.

This was the second time in a week that a Google's search produced questionable results.

Less than a week before the California primary, Vice News reported that Nazism was listed as the ideology for the California Republican Party in the search results.

The error was once again listed in the ‘Knowledge Panel' section of the search, followed by other ideologies like Conservatism, Market liberalism, Fiscal conservatism and Green conservatism.

Google has since entirely removed the ‘Ideology' category from the California Republican Party's ‘Knowledge Panel.'

But California Democratic Party's search page stills lists its ideologies, among them Social liberalism, Modern liberalism and Progressivism.

Hmm. Those pesky, pesky knowledge panels.

A Google representative told Fox News the inclusion of ‘Nazism' in the search page was likely caused by an act of cyber-vandalism on one of the information sources.

‘This was not the result of any manual change by anyone at Google,' the spokesperson told the network. ‘We don't bias our search results toward any political party. Sometimes people vandalize public information sources, like Wikipedia, which can impact the information that appears in search.'

The representative went on to say that the tech giant has systems in place to spot and correct vandalism in search results, but sometimes errors do occur, which was allegedly the case with ‘Nazism.'

Another day, another total bullsh*t move from the left.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/06/02/google-apologizes-for-labeling-trudy-a-bigot/ target=_blank >Google Apologizes For Labeling Trudy A Bigot</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
I am from the great state of North Carolina and I am so sick of the liberal crap like this. When are they going to fix this?
Unfortunately, it may require government oversight. Most of the time, we're in favor of less government. However, unless a strong concerted effort is made by conservatives / sane people, it is unlikely Google and other leftist tech companies will do the right thing.

Remember, censorship and smearing is a powerful tool of the left.


New Member
Jun 3, 2018
Google knows what they were doing, send out a picture of a Republican, a conservative, a Trump supporter to "fish out" the reaction they want, and that is promote the idea that conservatives are Nazies or are immoral so they don't deserve a voice. It doesn't work and more people are waking up to this since it is so obvious. With people like The Left you lose freedoms since they abuse it so much. But after awhile even non-political or low information voters pick up on it. As Hannity said this is the year of The Boomerang.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Google knows what they were doing, send out a picture of a Republican, a conservative, a Trump supporter to "fish out" the reaction they want, and that is promote the idea that conservatives are Nazies or are immoral so they don't deserve a voice.
When you control speech, you control thought. It's precisely why we don't believe this 'blue wave' sweeping across the land. It's the same b.s. polls that gave Hillary a 90% chance of winning the election. It was all a ruse meant to convince people of the 'inevitable' election of Hillary.

All of this has been tried before in places like Nazi Germany, Russia, eastern bloc countries, etc. The Democrat party, and leftists as a whole, have basically embraced communism and it's tactics to subvert freedom in favor of their dystopian nightmare.

Make no mistake, communism is what we're up against. Voting every two years in an election is no longer enough, as evidenced by their stifling censorship.


New Member
Jun 3, 2018
The Democrat party has totally betrayed everything American in favor of communism. If Communism died in Russia it's alive and well in Democrat controlled states and the Democrat party in general.
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Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
The Democrat party has totally betrayed everything American in favor of communism.
In addition to that, the fourth estate (the media) has become the fifth column. Our founding fathers never intended for the press to champion one ideology over another.

Along with a myriad of other ever expanding governmental regulations and power over the populace, they would be in a shooting war by now.