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Gangsta Kamala and American Hoax Crimes

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
The other day, Kamala Harris went on a podcast. No, it wasn’t “I Protest,” hosted by Don Jeffries. It was “All the Smoke,” hosted by former NBA players Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson. As embarrassing as Countess Cackula had been up to this point, going on this podcast crossed a new line. Call it nuclearized embarrassment.

If one watches a bit of this ridiculous podcast, which epitomizes “entertainment” in America 2.0, they’ll understand what I mean. According to Jason Whitlock, Barnes and Jackson are often stoned on the podcast. For all I know, they may smoke weed during their shows. Harris demeaned whatever respect her office still has by appearing on such a broadcast. Both Barnes and Jackson are problematic characters, to put it kindly. Jackson was apparently once a member of the Bloods, and not that long ago filmed himself going back to “O Street,” which is I guess where present-day Bloods hang out. He acted like a giddy tween at a Taylor Swift concert, flashing those stupid gang signs for all it was worth. If he really wanted to “keep it real,” they should have wandered around until they found a stray old White woman, whom they could sucker punch. It’s a “knockout game thing,” you wouldn’t understand.

Now Harris didn’t actually get high on the show with Barnes and Jackson, but she did try once again to show her “street cred.” In the world of Ebonics, this means revealing that you’re not actually educated or articulate, and may have once engaged in criminal activity. Hung out with disreputable characters. The kind your Jamaican father (apparently a Marxist professor) and Indian mother might frown upon. Posing as a hard core Golden State Warriors fan, Harris revealed that she and her husband, a White Jew, often “talk smack” over basketball, since he roots for the Los Angeles Lakers. Well, don’t all couples “talk smack” with each other over sports? It was crucial for Harris to use “smack” and as many other ghetto terms as possible during the interview. You have to do that if you want to be a real gangsta. Yes, you even have to spell the word wrong. Like you have to say “ho” instead of “whore.”

Jason Whitlock did a revealing expose on Matt Barnes yesterday on his “Fearless” podcast. He talked to many people who knew Barnes in both middle school and junior high, and they all reported that he was biggest bully imaginable, and an insufferably conceited jerk. Barnes actually made the claim that the KKK became involved when he retaliated against a kid who had teased his sister in high school. This was in 1998, in the White Supremacist hotbed of Sacramento, California. Barnes claimed the Grand Wizard put out a hit on him or something. At this point, any Black celebrity can make the most preposterous claims of “racism,” and it’s accepted without question by the “racist” White establishment. Every Black player in the WNBA has whined about fans of Caitlin Clark- the player who singlehandedly made people pay attention to their bogus league- shouting racial slurs at them.

It is an impossibility that any “racist” fan would shout racial slurs at Black WNBA players in this thoroughly African-Americanized country. If one ever did attempt such a thing, they’d probably be fortunate to survive the physical assault from other fans. Black or White, fans absolutely adore their Black athletes. But we’re supposed to believe that this is somehow a reality in 2024, as the anti-White Great Replacement rages on all around us. Just as we are supposed to believe that the KKK was powerful enough in Sacramento, in 1998, to intimidate some random Black high school student? Well, actually half Black. A “mixed nut,” as Whitlock refers to him. This was one of the topics of conversation on the scintillating podcast, as Kamala Harris spoke of the beauty of being raised biracial. But it’s clear she focuses on the Black side. No incessant promotion of curry powder. This isn’t Bollywood.

Barnes’s tall tale brought back memories of racial hoaxes past. And there are a lot of them. I’m bound to forget some. Let’s start with the Tawana Brawley case. In 1987, the then fifteen year old Brawley burst into the news, with a fantastic claim that she’d been raped by powerful White men. She had racial slurs written on her, and feces was smeared on her body. One of those she accused was New York prosecutor Steven Pagones. Among Brawley’s representatives was a then overweight “Reverend” Al Sharpton. He also had a laughable James Brown hairdo, which was appropriate since he’d once been a backup dancer for him. The allegations were subsequently found to be entirely made up. Just like Sharpton’s “Reverend” status. It has yet to be found exactly what church he preached, or preaches in. Sharpton was a crack dealer who turned into an FBI undercover agent to avoid prosecution. So what’s not to love?

Setting the template for future racial hoaxes, Black celebrities wholeheartedly believed Brawley. In their world, a fantasy land enabled by Hollywood, these shadowy “White Supremacists” are everywhere, just waiting for an underage Black girl to rape and scrawl epithets on. The likes of Mike Tyson, later convicted of rape, two time murderer turned boxing promoter Don King, and future convicted rapist Bill Cosby lent financial support. In one of his derivative, Afrocentric films glamorizing the “hood,” Spike Lee featured some graffiti in a background scene, reading “Tawana told the truth.” Say her name! Ironically, both Tyson and King appear to have become Trump Republicans. Which is entirely in line with the new Stupid Party effort to become more “diverse.” Cosby did tell Black kids to pull their pants up, and was mysteriously released from prison very early. He’s probably too old to rape again.

In 2006, a group of White lacrosse players from Duke University were accused of gang raping a Black stripper named Crystal Mangum, who had a predictably troubled past, including an arrest for attempting to run over a police officer with a stolen cab. The Duke administration instantly believed the claims, and suspended the team. The maniacal Nancy Grace was literally foaming at the mouth in demanding “justice” for Crystal, and in an early example of “doxing,” broadcast the home addresses of the Duke players. While Whites gang raping Black women is depicted frequently onscreen, it has pretty much never happened. Any White on Black rape is so rare as to be statistically nonexistent. Mangum, like most women who file false rape allegations, was not prosecuted. Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong resigned in disgrace, was disbarred and briefly imprisoned for ethics violations.

With the election of Donald Trump in 2016, there came a veritable epidemic of hoaxes. The Black woman in Philadelphia who claimed to have been accosted at gunpoint by White Trump supporters at a gas station, proven to be a hoax. The bisexual college student who claimed to have been besieged with “hateful” emails following Trump’s election, all of which were ultimately shown to have been sent by herself. A church organist who claimed that “Heil Trump,” a swastika, and anti-gay slurs had been spray painted in his church. After it was widely condemned (and, of course, blindly accepted) by all, the organist confessed to doing it himself. The Muslim woman who claimed to have been attacked by “drunk Trump supporters” on a New York subway, while onlookers did nothing. Yes, MAGA supporters rule the New York subway. The woman would eventually admit to making the story up.

Showing that it wasn’t just nonwhites who could stage an easily disproved “hate crime,” a mere White guy set his own car on fire, and painted a crude anti-Black slur on his own garage. Now that’s commitment to dishonesty. The man and his wife collected only $5,000 from a GoFundMe account before the hoax was exposed. I guess crime really doesn’t pay that much. Joining in on the fun, a prankster fed a fake story to a liberal journalist, about a Mexican being harassed by a Trump supporter. The liberal reporter spread the story without even a cursory investigation. Fact-checking, if you will. At one college, a Muslim student was envious of a Jewish student who’d faked some “anti-Semitic” graffiti, so he faked his own anti-Muslim graffiti. An Israeli man was revealed to have sent several fake bomb threats to synagogues and Jewish schools, and trying to link them to Trump.

In May, 2017, a Minnesota college went into full Identity Politics mode when a series of “racist” notes were found around campus. To no one’s surprise, the notes were found to be the work of a Black student. Oddly, the exact same fake thing happened at the Air Force Academy at the same time. The superintendent of the Academy made an ass out of himself with a predictably cucked, syrupy statement. And, once again, one of the supposed targets of the “racist” messages turned out to be the hoaxer. Another copycat Black hoaxer at Kansas State reported that “racist” graffiti had been scrawled on his car. It’s a wonder no students ever catch the hoaxers in the act. I suppose it would be “racist” to report them. Showing that high school students were capable of the same chicanery, a “nonwhite” student in Missouri was found to have written “racist” slurs on a bathroom mirror.

Servers in restaurants began to get in on the act. A Texas waiter posted a picture of a receipt on which “Terrorist” had been written, supposedly in lieu of a tip. Naturally, the restaurant instantly accepted the story, but the waiter would say, “I did write it. I don’t have an explanation.” A waitress in Texas blamed police for an offensive note about Mexicans, but would- you guessed it- be found to have written it herself. Again in 2017, a Black waitress posted a photo of a receipt on which was written, “Great service don’t tip Black people.” It turned out the customer had actually written “terrible service” on the receipt. Those who have known servers, or read the anecdotes from the old web site Bitter Waitress, know all too well that one particular group has a notorious reputation for tipping poorly. It isn’t White people. There have been many similar implausible accounts from servers, which inexorably are exposed as hoaxes.

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