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Federal authorities declare Saturday night activity in Portland ‘unlawful gatherings,’ force rioters from federal plaza

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
The violent riots and assaults being perpetrated by Antifa and Black Lives Matter on both federal and local government buildings —and the law enforcement officers who protect them— continued in Portland this weekend as the city approaches the 90-day mark of anarchy.

However, Saturday night proved different as federal authorities declared the so-called protests to be unlawful gatherings and riots. As a consequence, officers ushered the anarchists away from a plaza that houses both the county and federal courthouses.

“After objects were thrown and paintballs were shot at @PortlandPolice, they declared tonight’s demonstration unlawful and quickly cleared the area. Protestors played stormtrooper music as officers marched,” tweeted CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez.

After objects were thrown and paintballs were shot at @PortlandPolice, they declared tonight’s demonstration unlawful and quickly cleared the area. Protestors played stormtrooper music as officers marched. pic.twitter.com/TjU52ogGx1

— Omar Jimenez (@OmarJimenez) August 23, 2020
The Portland Police responded not just with action on the street level, but also sent out messages over loud speakers and via social media, such as the tweet below which read:

“To those at the Kelly Building: You are not to enter or remain on the Kelly building property. Failure to adhere to this direction may subject you to citation, arrest, and/or crowd control agents, including but not limited to tear gas and/or impact weapons.”

To those at the Kelly Building: You are not to enter or remain on the Kelly building property. Failure to adhere to this direction may subject you to citation, arrest, and/or crowd control agents, including but not limited to tear gas and/or impact weapons.

— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 23, 2020
They continued by saying, “To the protesters at the Kelly Building: failure to leave to the WEST may subject you to arrest, citation, or crowd control agents, including but not limited to tear gas and/or impact weapons. This is your warning to leave now.”

Finally, they tweeted out a third warning which read:

“As officers have attempted to move the unlawful assembly, officers have been struck by rocks, bottles and other dangerous objects. This is a life safety issue. The Incident Commander has declared this a RIOT. Immediately disperse to the WEST.”

As officers have attempted to move the unlawful assembly, officers have been struck by rocks, bottles and other dangerous objects. This is a life safety issue. The Incident Commander has declared this a RIOT. Immediately disperse to the WEST.

— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) August 23, 2020
Despite continued pushback from the law enforcement community and clear-as-day violence, Mayor Ted Wheeler and District Attorney Michael Schmidt have not only condoned this behavior of the anarchists in the streets, but they have actively released individuals in short order after being arrested for criminal behavior.

Until a leader that values the city and its inhabitants emerges, Portland will continue to be a warzone. And while Democrats hope to bait President Trump and the federal government into more action (right now they are only protecting the federal courthouse), no such move is likely as the Democrats’ unwillingness to condemn the violence is only helping the GOP in the November elections.

This piece was written by Drew Berquist on August 23, 2020. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com and is used by permission.

The post Federal authorities declare Saturday night activity in Portland ‘unlawful gatherings,’ force rioters from federal plaza appeared first on LifeZette.

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2020/08/federal-authorities-declare-saturday-night-activity-in-portland-unlawful-gatherings-force-rioters-from-federal-plaza/ target=_blank >Federal authorities declare Saturday night activity in Portland ‘unlawful gatherings,’ force rioters from federal plaza</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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