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Drain The Nursing Homes

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
By: Sophia Lee


If they falsified the number of nursing home deaths in New York (Hogan et al., 2021), I wonder if they falsified the number of nursing home deaths in every state. It is apparent to me that ‘drain the nursing homes’ attitudes among liberal politicians were preplanned and premeditated before the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (HealthInsurance.org, 2021). Although the following series of events amount to mostly circumstantial evidence, a seven-year long series of circumstances and strange coincidences led me to ‘drain the nursing homes’ conclusions.

Pre Obamacare:

Between 2001 and 2005, a national health care organization headquartered in Fort Smith, Arkansas was sued out of existence under suspicious circumstances (Cockburn, 2016). Beverly Enterprises was a long-term health care organization that provided nursing home services plus other healthcare services including skilled nursing facility (SNF), physical therapy, home health, and hospice services in 20+ states. The last lawsuit against Beverly Enterprises was over Arkansas nursing home neglect. It was rumored some of the same law firms that sued Beverly Enterprises later became some of the top campaign contributors to Senator Mark Pryor, D-AR 2004 election and were also donors to the Clintons. Mark Pryor was the only Democrat candidate to win the U.S. Senate campaign in 2003). Before Mark Pryor was elected U.S. Senator-D, AR, he was the Attorney General of Arkansas from 1999 to 2003. He was directly involved with former prosecution of Beverly Enterprises.

By 2006, Beverly Enterprises was bought by the San Francisco, California based Fillmore Capital Partners, LLC. Fillmore Capital Partners, LLC is a group with liberal-leaning board members and top investors known to have close ties to both Nancy Pelosi and the Clintons. Fillmore Capital Partners purchased Beverly Enterprises for pennies on the dollar (Bos MSc et al., 2017) just before Obama became President in 2008 and the Affordable Care Act (2010).

I was one of the top three health insurance collectors for Golden Living from 2006 to 2011. The first-year advertising campaign expense reported for Golden Living was reported as hundreds of billions of dollars, not millions. I thought the advertising expense amount reported had to be a typo and became suspicious of the direction and corporate climate of Golden Living. I resigned from my AR Analyst job at Golden Living to finish college. One year after I left Golden Living, the company requested economic stimulus bailout money from U.S. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. They may have received multiple bailouts from Nancy Pelosi.

Post Obamacare:

Most Americans do not realize the potential for healthcare fraud that includes commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid insurance increased under the Affordable Care Act (2010). I think one factor that contributed to the potential for the increase of corruption was the number of politicians who appointed family members to health care ‘administrative’ jobs in most large health care organizations such as Golden Living. According to Steve Hilton in an Internet video, Steve Hilton (2017) exposes the political-healthcare administrative cronyism in large healthcare organizations. As a result of the lack of ethical oversight under Obamacare, the reporting of insurance fraud was controlled from the inside because of the new healthcare bureaucracy. The health care industry became so corrupt under Obamacare, I changed majors in college from a major in Healthcare Administration in 2013 to a major in Mass Communications and Journalism in 2014. I believe the impact Obamacare on the U.S. healthcare system encouraged healthcare administrator to behave like Spanish Inquisitors. Before Obamacare was law in 2010, it was not unusual to hear about a large healthcare organization being sued or fined for ethical misconduct. After Obamacare, I have not heard of one significate healthcare ethics new story except one which is the current New York nursing home healthcare scandal.

However, in Hilton's (Fox New, 2017) Swamp Watch, Hospitals report, he exposed a large healthcare system known as Ascension Health, based out of Saint Louis, Missouri. Ascension Health began growing exponentially under Obamacare beginning in 2013 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today, Ascension Health is one of the largest employers in the state of Missouri. During my 2013 school year I wrote a report based on a Forbes (2011) article titled “Why Switzerland Has the World’s Best Healthcare” (Roy, 2011). I explained in my essay why Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the strongest dissenting opinion against the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Justice Scalia expected ongoing constitutional challenges to Obamacare and addressed some of the potential challenge scenarios in his written decision.

Another DNC Smash and Grab:

In another DNC ‘smash and grab’ of a large organization, President Obama and ‘friends’ (Madison, 2018) purchased the University of Phoenix. The same school I graduated from in 2016 majoring in Mass Communications/Journalism. The UOPX would not officially give me my diploma in Journalism until 2019. While in school at UOPX, I would get phone calls out of the blue for temporary health administrative job offers. Most of the job offers came from one health care organization, St. John of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Every time I made a negative comment about Obamacare in my home, I was let go from a job. I began to realize I was being stalked by some of the D.C. Swamp for holding conservative political views. The stalking continued in Kansas and Missouri while I was working for other employers. While I was finishing school, I researched various world views on healthcare, I did come across an article about the U.S Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act. Justices Antonin Scalia stated in his dissenting decision why he thought the Affordable Care Act (2010) could be challenged in another court case at a later date.

Other Important Facts:
  • In 2013 the Ascension Group purchased the Tulsa, Oklahoma-based St John healthcare organization. President Obama and other Swamp Members became involved with the merger of Ascension, St John, St Francis, and CommunityCare of Oklahoma because of its ability to provide confidentiality. This created an unprecedented potential from conflict of interest and corruption. When I went to work for CommunityCare of Oklahoma, they were in the process of downsizing. CommunityCare had been contracted with every hospital in Tulsa until they dropped their contract with Hillcrest and went through major downsizing twice since 2019. This liberated the Tulsa healthcare organization from the D.C. Swamp.
  • In 2016 my children, John Lee, Jr and Rachel Lee were attending Tulsa Community College at the Southeast Campus. Just before the 2016 election on September 21, Terence Crutcher, another student at the same campus, was reported as shot and killed by Tulsa Police Officers (Jaschik, 2016). After finding out how much money Obama and Company dumped in the city of Tulsa to fit an election narrative, it was obvious to me others that this student was targeted.
  • In 2018, someone from the District of Columbia purchases the new apartment my family just moved into on 109th E. Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The same people had trouble purchasing all the apartment complexes on 109th E. Street. I also begin receiving threatening phone calls from people stating I would be arrested for bank fraud and money laundering. I immediately reported the occurrence to the FBI. I do believe everything that they did in the Ukraine, they were doing here, only on a much larger scale.
  • In 2019 two former state Senators died under suspicious circumstances within days of each other while investigating child sex trafficking rings in their states (Hayek, 2019). The two ex-legislators were Linda Collins-Smith, a former senator from Arkansas and Jonathan Nichols, a former senator from Oklahoma.
  • In 2019 Tulsa City Officials tell the City of Springfield, Kansas City, and other cities that they do not want me to leave Tulsa, Oklahoma because I am under investigation for being a witch and for Medicaid fraud. Both are false. However, I did notice Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr was reported as ‘visiting’ Kansas City before, during, and after the time we were working outside the city. I also noticed the Bank of Oklahoma Financial (very personal friends of President Obama) opened multiple branches in the greater Kansas City area between 2019 and 2020. My son, John Lee, Jr and I would see City of Tulsa officials and the Tulsa Sheriff in the hotels we stayed in while we were working temporary jobs. This happened in Kansas City and Saint Louis, Missouri. We worked light industrial jobs in order not to work clerical jobs that would give us access to any electronic information.
  • In 2020 I begin filing FBI reports because of internet stalking for myself and my family. I told the FBI that I though Oklahoma politicians were grooming my daughter for sex.
  • During the 2020 U. S. Covid-19 quarantine, Governor Cuomo of New York demanded President Trump donate an unprecedented number of ventilators to hospitals for medical treatments (Hicks & Hogan, 2020). The New York hospitals that received the Covid-19 patients from nursing homes, then up-coded the patients treatment charges an estimated 1000% after placing them on ventilators. It is common knowledge in the medical community only around two percent of patients placed on ventilators in hospitals recover from treatments. I believe there needs to be an investigation into the New York hospitals to see if this was a Swamp connected agreement Ascension headquartered in Saint Louis, and others.
  • During the 2020 Covid-19 U.S. quarantine, President Trump gave an unprecedented amount of PPP money to U.S. religious organizations headquarter in Missouri and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Five of the top ten top payouts to religious organizations went to either churches my family attended regularly or was planning to visit during the 2020 quarantine (Roys, 2020).
  • In 2020 my son was told by Kelly Services in Lees Summit that the criminal background checking agency they use stated someone in Tulsa, Oklahoma was using his social security number to get a job. Because we receive no permanent job offers we return to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and file for temporary unemployment and find out someone in Tulsa, Oklahoma used John Lee, Jr social security number to file for unemployment benefits and they could not verify my son's identity until after a lengthy investigation. I did report this information to Tulsa City Police and the FBI.
  • In 2020 President Obama and friends donated to Ozark Technical Community College and Ozark University, the very school my children were planning on finishing school.

Other important facts include the death of President Obama’s mother before he ran for Illinois state senator, and the death of President’s Obama’s grandmother just before he was elected U. S. President. Also, according to Jake (2011) from the RedState website, Nancy Pelosi was the first candidate who ran her campaign on the phrase ‘drain the swamp.’ My husband, John Lee, Sr, lost his mother and father the same week of December 7, 2020, which was the same week of his birthday. This was a Christmas gift from President Obama and friends, including Governor Stitt R-OK. It was also retaliation for our refusal to work in their corrupted healthcare organizations and financial institutions and leaving the state of Oklahoma. Fortunately, the D.C. Swamp did not use the same smash and grab tactics to get control of all health care organizations in the United States. Unfortunately, once they obtained control of enough healthcare organizations that had overseas facilities such as Ascension, they thought they had achieved their final solution.


Bos MSc, A., & Harrington, PhD, C. (2017, November 22). What Happens to a Nursing Home Chain When Private Equity Takes Over? A Longitudinal Case Study. Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 54(1-10). Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0046958017742761
Cockburn, A. (2016, February 19). Hillary Clinton’s Great Nursing Home Rip-Off. COUNTERPUNCH. Retrieved from https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/02/19/hillary-clintons-great-nursing-home-rip-off/
Hayek, J. (2019, October 21). Arizona State Senator: ‘CPS Lost 550 Kids Last Year and My Belief is That They are Being Trafficked.’ American Truth Today. Retrieved from https://americantruthtoday.com/politics/2019/10/21/arizona-state-senator-cps-lost-550-kids-last-year-and-my-belief-is-that-they-are-being-trafficked/
HealthInsurance.org. (2021). What is the Affordable Care Act? Retrieved from https://www.healthinsurance.org/glossary/affordable-care-act/
Hicks, N., & Hogan, B. (2020, March 20). Coronavirus in NY: Gov. Cuomo calls for private aid, issues new ventilator order. New York Post, p. 1. Retrieved from https://nypost.com/2020/03/20/coronavirus-in-ny-gov-cuomo-calls-for-private-aid-issues-new-ventilator-order/
Hilton, S. (2017, July 16). Swamp Watch [Hospitals]. YouTube. Retrieved from
Hogan, B., Campanile, C., & Golding, B. (2021, February 11). Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out. New York Post. Retrieved from https://nypost.com/2021/02/11/cuomo-aide-admits-they-hid-nursing-home-data-from-feds/
Jake (2011, June 12). The Scandal-Ridden Tenure of Nancy Pelosi as Democratic House Leader: A Primer. RedState. Retrieved from https://redstate.com/diary/ironchapman/2011/06/12/the-scandal-ridden-tenure-of-nancy-pelosi-as-democratic-house-leader-a-primer-n182291
Jaschik, S. (2016, September 21). Man Killed by Police Officer Was Tulsa CC Student. Inside Higher ED. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2016/09/21/man-killed-police-officer-was-tulsa-cc-student
Madison, T. (2018, March 22). Obama accused of ‘smash and grab’ stock scheme to benefit him and pals financially. Liberty Unyielding. Retrieved from https://libertyunyielding.com/2018/03/22/obama-accused-of-smash-and-grab-scheme-to-benefit-him-and-pals-financially/
Roy, A. (2011, April 29). Why Switzerland Has the World's Best Health Care System. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2011/04/29/why-switzerland-has-the-worlds-best-health-care-system/?sh=4cd3f71f7d74
Roys, J. (2020, December 16) More than $78.6 Million in PPP Funds Go to Televangelists, Megachurches, & Large Media Ministries. The Roys Report. Retrieved from https://julieroys.com/78-6-million-ppp-funds-televangelists-megachurches/


Sophia Lee
email: [email protected]

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