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Doggate Scandal, Haitian Whipping Hoax, Russia Hoax…Lying is all the Dems are Good At

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Lies, lies, lies.

The democrats are incapable of telling the truth under any circumstances. Because their policies are unpopular and destructive (and they want power and wealth at all costs) nothing that comes out of their mouths is the truth.

Just recently, a plethora of lies has come to light including Doggate where we learned that Secret Service agents were hopping mad about what was going on with Biden’s dog, Major.

Major had been biting Secret Service agents at The White House on a consistent basis. If this had happened to just about any other dog owner, our dogs would have been taken by our county animal control department and in some cases, euthanized.

But as usual, Biden got a pass on any county dog biting ordinances. And as usual, The White House can’t tell the truth about ANYTHING and didn’t tell the truth about what was going on with the dog. It was only from a Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch that we got the real story.

Attacks by Biden’s dog took place earlier than acknowledged and the dog wasn’t “surprised” by a unfamiliar person as White House as Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed. Nor were some of the bites “minor” injuries.

There was an 8-day biting streak by the dog and one of the agents was livid that Psaki lied about the full extent of the severity of his injuries. He wrote to a colleague, “NO I didn’t surprise the dog doing my job by being at (redacted) as the press secretary just said! Now I’m pissed.”

One of the agents was even bit twice. The dog was unprovoked when these agents were bit. As expected, the Secret Service “management” wasn’t too happy about the agents telling the truth and emailed agents to tell them they didn’t need to embellish with additional details – and that the legal office might not approve their verbiage. What a joke.

Then we have the Haitian whipping hoax which also involves animals, horses this time. Border agents were demonized and accused of whipping illegal aliens while on horseback. They were recently cleared of the charges. Another democrat hoax.

And of course we all know about the Russia hoax that the democrat concocted. Poor Hillary Clinton (and the DNC) were fined recently by the FEC for lying about paying for the fake Steele dossier.

Clinton’s presidential campaign will pay a whopping $8,000 for the fraud she committed in her attempt to take down Donald Trump before and during his presidency.

If the democrats weren’t able to be corrupt on a daily basis and lie about it, they’d really have nothing else to do with their time.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on April 18, 2022. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com and is used by permission

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2022/04/doggate-scandal-haitian-whipping-hoax-russia-hoaxlying-is-all-the-dems-are-good-at/ target=_blank >Doggate Scandal, Haitian Whipping Hoax, Russia Hoax…Lying is all the Dems are Good At</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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