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Democrats would be okay with people dying from the coronavirus if it means President Trump wont’ get re-elected

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
There are sick Democrats all over the Internet. Not sick with the Wuhan coronavirus, but sick with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Even a global pandemic can't cure them of their TDS.

There's a Rhode Island public school teacher who is actually offering to pay someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Donald Trump. The woman also stalks school choice supporters. Even though she seems to have mental issues, she still appears to be employed by her school system—I see no apology from them about her behavior. Can you imagine the kinds of things she's teaching to her sixth grade students? Sounds like there are a lot of parents in that school who seriously need to be looking at home-schooling.

Then there's a supposed nurse on Twitter who tweeted a guy with a photo of a Trump mask to be sure to wear it to the hospital so she can make sure he doesn't get a ventilator. The latest display of sick TDS is an interview with Democrats asking them if it's worse for a lot of people to die of the coronavirus or worse if Trump is re-elected. I'm sure you can guess how most of them answered the question.

Ami Horowitz talked with people during man-on-the street interviews in the East Village, a neighborhood on the east side of Lower Manhattan. You would think that being in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic would give them a perspective on life and death and their hatred of Trump. But not so much. Horowitz asked, “Would you go for this deal…that the coronavirus lasts longer and is more severe but the president is guaranteed to lose the election?”

Lovely democrats answered the question: “That's a hard question. I don't know. That's a hard choice to make.” Another stated “That's a hard question.” Another was certain, saying, “Sorry guys, I would go for the longer virus.”

“I want him gone…no matter what,” cited one interviewee. “Let the coronavirus be more severe,” said someone else at the mic. “He's more dangerous and worse. Absolutely,” claimed a New Yorker.

“Would you make that deal?” Horowitz kept asking varying people. Most of the answers were “yes” and “Hell yes.” Even a million deaths doesn't dissuade one disgusting Democrat. He would still make the deal. Watch these Democrats: They seriously need psychological intervention.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on April 13, 2020. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com and is used by permission.

Read more at SteveGruber.com:
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