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Democrat Lawmaker Stephanie Kifowit Says She Wants to Poison Republican Colleague’s Family

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

The Illinois Republican Party is demanding the resignation of State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit after the lawmaker openly wished to poison her Republican colleague's family.

The remark came after a heated debate on a bill that would raise the cap on damages the state would pay in certain legal cases. From the Chicago Tribune:

Democratic state lawmaker said she wanted to pump a lethal “broth of Legionella” bacteria into the water system of a Republican colleague's family, during heated remarks on the Illinois House floor over a bill aimed at helping families of more than a dozen residents at the Downstate Quincy veterans home who died of Legionnaires'.

Illinois Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, said she wanted to pump a ‘broth of Legionella' bacteria into Republican colleague's water supply so that his loved ones would understand the mistreatment of the residents at the Quincy veterans home. https://t.co/g52h8bAhgG pic.twitter.com/jebDmcaz1Y

— Chicago Tribune (@chicagotribune) November 28, 2018

Here is what she said, referring to State Rep. Peter Breen:

To the representative from Lombard, I would like to make him a broth of Legionella and pump it into the water system of his loved one so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated and ultimately die.

You can watch the charming remark below:

This is the type of people we elect in Illinois. Rep. Stephanie Kifowit D-Aurora response to republican Rep. Peter Breen pic.twitter.com/l6OUjWMyNp

— CLB (@JoyInBarns) November 28, 2018

That's some good public servicing right there. According to the CDC, Legionella is a bacteria that can cause a bout of pneumonia, which is also called Legionnaires' disease.

Kifowit has since apologized for her statement:

“I offer my sincere apology to Rep Peter Breen, his family, and all of my House colleagues for my poor choice of words during a serious discussion on our Veterans' health and safety. I would never wish any harm or mortality on anyone's family, including the Breen family.

— Stephanie Kifowit (@RepKifowit) November 28, 2018

The Illinois Republican Party released its own statement with very strong language:

There is no place for @RepKifowit‘s extreme rhetoric in our public discourse. Wishing death upon political opponents and their families undermines our democracy. Peter Breen and his family deserve an apology from Kifowit. She should be ashamed. #twill https://t.co/ylMfLfSIVb

— IL Republican Party (@ilgop) November 28, 2018

Many on Twitter demanded her immediate resignation after the remarks:

.@JBPritzker should immediately urge for the resignation of Stephanie Kifowit and ignore her sudden apologies as she realizes the world didn't fall for her excuses. https://t.co/zc7wVohAP0

— Change Illinois (@changeillinois) November 28, 2018

Democrat lawmaker Stephanie Kifowit of Illinois is facing calls to resign after saying Tuesday she wanted to mix a “broth of Legionella” bacteria to infect the “loved ones” of her Republican colleague. #LockHerUp #MAGA pic.twitter.com/TmGRbeRa3v

— MichaelDC (@michaeldcMAGA) November 28, 2018

Rep. Stephanie Kifowit to resign after she wished an infectious disease upon a GOP colleague's family. https://t.co/q4D9oENMq9

— Gene (@GeneZurawski1) November 28, 2018

It goes without saying that that kind of talk has no place in our public institutions. But given how violent and unhinged the Democratic Party has become, it's not surprising. (RELATED: Maine Democrat Scott Hamann Threatens President Trump In Violent Facebook Post.)

On the federal level, Maxine Waters has encouraged her supporters to confront and berate Trump supporters. (RELATED: Maxine Waters: People Should Take to the Streets Screaming to Take Down Trump.) There are, of course, the endless threats of impeachment from Democrats in Congress, who act like Trump is some totalitarian cocktail of Hitler, Pinochet, and Bull Connor. (RELATED: Chuck Schumer Asked About Impeachment: ‘The Sooner the Better'.)

The Democrats' cavalier attitude when it comes to violence against the President and his supporters is troublesome. (RELATED: Hundreds of Examples of Anti-Trump Violence Committed by Liberals.) This latest threat, however fanciful, by the Illinois Democrat is another sign the Democrats should never ever be trusted with power.

State Rep. Kifowit should resign. She should use her time off to really consider if her violent rhetoric is really helpful to our public discourse.

The post Democrat Lawmaker Stephanie Kifowit Says She Wants to Poison Republican Colleague's Family appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/stephanie-kifowit/ target=_blank >Democrat Lawmaker Stephanie Kifowit Says She Wants to Poison Republican Colleague’s Family</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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