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Companies That Stopped Sponsoring Laura Ingraham’s Show Receive Blowback from Viewers

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
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After Fox News host Laura Ingraham Tweeted about David Hogg's complaint that colleges weren't accepting his applications, Hogg and anti-gun liberals organized a massive astroturf campaign against Ingraham's advertisers.

Now, with Fox News standing behind Ingraham, these abrupt actions from her former sponsors are coming back to bite them!

As the national media's cynical infatuation with David Hogg continues into its second month, some of the largest advertisers in the country made a huge mistake by following along with the boycott of “The Ingraham Angle.” And it's costing them where it hurts the most…

Conservative activists on social media have launched a counter-boycott against companies that pulled their advertising from Fox News Channel's “The Ingraham Angle” because of the conservative host's mockery of Hogg via a Twitter post.

Hogg said in a television interview: “No matter who somebody is, no matter how big or powerful they may seem, a bully is a bully, and it's important that you stand up to them.”

Conservatives took that advice from the boy wonder from Broward and decided to fight back against the liberals who are trying to bully, intimidate, and silence Laura Ingraham, a Trump-supporting conservative!

Here are Trump supporters on Facebook and Twitter who have decided to fight back.

My wife just cancelled her @JennyCraig membership, for their cowardly decision to pull advertising from #LauraIngraham. #IStandWithLaura

— Wake Up America (@Wake2See) March 30, 2018

Make sure your voice is heard. David Hogg will not win this war and destroy Laura Ingraham. She doesn't deserve this. Call the companies dropping her show and tell them they lost a customer. The time for letting things go, is over. We can NOT give in to the left. #IStandWithLaura

— Mike (@mike_Zollo) March 30, 2018

#IStandWithLaura absolutely, I will boycott all the companies that pulled away from her show! I'm tired of media matters crap.

— Mark Murphy (@300mag) April 3, 2018

Make sure you boycott EVERYTHING Nestle since they decided to capitulate to teen tyrants. Adults with real jobs and money, tell Nestle to pound sand. BYE! https://t.co/PdDGNaT2fs

— Cristina Laila (@cristinalaila1) March 30, 2018

My money will not support the boycotters #IStandWithLaura

— alan hope (@drdahhs) April 3, 2018

Say it LOUD

Say it CLEAR

Say it NOW

— One Salty Patriot (@1Salty_Patriot) April 1, 2018

@Nestle I had a somewhat favorable view of Nestle before your recent entry into politics on the side of the fringe left. Now, you are on my Do_Not_Buy list.#istandwithlaura

— Larry Bates (@LarryGBates) April 3, 2018

It would be a shame? if these sponsors – who dropped @IngrahamAngle because of some snot-nosed, anti-#2A/#1A, H.S. twerp – were to find out about karma (& patriot unity):

— Jeffrey Weingarten (@JeffreyMW) April 3, 2018

In a statement Monday to the Los Angeles Times, Fox reiterated its support for Ingraham when company co-president Jack Abernethy declared: “We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts.” It's good that Fox News realizes exactly what this fake-outrage campaign is all about, and refuses to cave to the pressure. Ingraham has returned from her one-week departure and will be back on the air tonight.

No one likes a bully and this counterboycott shows it. This is a direct shot at every liberal in a corporate executive suite who should learn that they have taken things too far.

Do you #StandWithLaura? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us what you think.

The post Companies That Stopped Sponsoring Laura Ingraham's Show Receive Blowback from Viewers appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/laura-ingraham-advertisers-blowback/ target=_blank >Companies That Stopped Sponsoring Laura Ingraham’s Show Receive Blowback from Viewers</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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