CNN sounded the alarm for Democrats on Thursday in a surprisingly harsh analysis of the network's latest poll, which showed President Joe Biden and his party under water on a plethora of significant issues.
The left-wing network — which typically provides political cover for the Democratic Party — acknowledged that Biden is near "the point of no return with Americans on the economy" and dangerously close to an "irreversible severing of public confidence in his capacity to deliver prosperity and financial security."
The Democratic Party as a whole, CNN added, faces a "looming political disaster" ahead of the country's midterm elections in November thanks to historic inflation levels that "the White House initially underestimated and has failed to tame" and skyrocketing gasoline prices.
"A CNN poll released Wednesday shows that the President's repeated efforts to highlight undeniably strong aspects of the economy's post-pandemic rebound and to offset blame for its bad spots aren't working," the blistering analysis read.
It added: "The party seems stuck in a dangerous political position of insisting the economy is doing well while voters think it's in the tank."
Much of the country and news media, for that matter, had come to the realization about Biden and the Democratic Party's failures already. So, CNN isn't reporting anything new. Still, the report is notable because of the source.
It appears the results of the network's latest poll, conducted by SSRS from April 28 to May 1, were so bleak for Biden and the Democrats that no amount of spin could make things appear better.
The poll showed that a majority of American adults believe the president's policies have hurt the economy, and eight in 10 said the government isn't doing enough to combat inflation.
Only a dismal 23% rated economic conditions as even somewhat good, the lowest mark since November 2011. And by a four-to-one margin, Americans said they are more likely to hear something bad than good about the economy.
Economic pessimism even crossed party lines, as a near-universal 94% of Republicans rated current economic conditions in the U.S. as poor, joined by a whopping 81% of independents and 54% of Democrats.
Biden's overall approval rating on the economy has cratered to just 34%, with 66% disapproving.
Yet in the face of all the bad news, the White House continued to push misleading messages. While speaking on CNN's "New Day," White House economic adviser Jared Bernstein suggested that Americans need to be more "nuanced" when assessing the economic situation.
"So I think you have to be more nuanced when you're trying to assess the economy ... we're doing all we can to try to help ease these inflationary pressures," Bernstein said as he touted Biden's efforts to end supply chain blockages, tackle port congestion, lower energy prices, and open up the country's strategic oil reserves.
It remains to be seen how much nuance plays into Americans' decisions at the polls in November.
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