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Boulder Colorado Commie Rat Council Gun Grabber Tyrants.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
The Actual headline reads: "Boulder City Council Passes Gun Ban On First Reading"

Hat Tip Griswold and Dapandico, of Weasel Zippers.

Via The Complete Colorado:

" A controversial city ordinance to ban “assault weapons, bump stocks and high capacity magazines” passed the Boulder City Council unanimously on first reading Thursday night after more than five hours of public testimony on both sides of the issue.

As written, the ban would require anyone legally possessing anything under the ban to either register that gun with the Boulder Police Department (fee charged) or surrender it for destruction.

The first reading passage is not a final decision. The Council could make changes on second or even a third reading before it becomes law.

Councilwoman Jill Adler Grano, who asked for the ordinance, called the ban a “no brainer.”

Exactly right, Jill. You are correct on this assumption... You HAVE No brains.
Jill Grano Drano snorting hippie shithead.

I couldn't finish typing out the rest of that article. You will have to read the rest.

Damned leftard hippie maggots just keep pushing.. they never stop.
Reactions: Conservative Angle


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Yep we have all the 1960’s rejects and Jane Fonda’s
We all wished they would've retired by now, due to their advanced age. Sadly, they've trained / indoctrinated several decades worth of young people well.

The lefty hippie loud-mouth socialist movement isn't going to go away any time soon. :sick:

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