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Biden Suddenly Flushed With Cash, But Where Did It Really Come From?

Jul 30, 2020

In the vein that money is speech, one needs to have a discussion on campaign financing. Who and where is campaign financing coming from in our elections. Less than a year ago, there was a narrative that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was about to go bankrupt. Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton decried the DNC as a “bankrupt” organization and warned that Democrats are going to be “outgunned, outspent, and out-lied” in the upcoming election.” What a difference a year makes.

Suddenly the headlines read:

  • Politico – “Biden Posts stunning monthly cash haul:$365 million.”
  • CBS – “Joe Biden shatters record with $ 364.5 million hauls in August.”
  • NYT – “Biden expected to surpass $ 300 million raised in August.”
  • ABC – “Joe Biden and DNC raise more money than Donald Trump, RNC for a second straight month.”
On cue, the follow-up Trump takedown headlines read:

  • Axios – “Trump faces a surprising cash crunch.”
  • NYT – “How Trump’s Billion-Dollar Campaign Lost Its Cash Advantage.”
  • Bloomberg – “Trump weight putting up to 100 million of his cash into the race.”
  • NY Magazine – “The 2020 Trump Campaign Reportedly A Financial Mess.”
Get that, everybody? Voters love Biden/Harris so much and hate Trump/Pence to such a degree that they are pouring donations into Biden’s campaign at a historical record level. Yes, higher numbers than Obama’s 2008 record even! Oh wait, it gets better, Hillary Clinton in August 2016 hauled $143 million to Joe’s $365 million in the same month!

Odd, isn’t it? The Biden campaign was limping along with fundraising amounts – $8.9 million in January,$18 million in February, then started to get into a groove in March by raising $46.7 million. By April, the campaign was steady, with $43.7 million in donations. May brought a huge spike in funds raised with a reported doubling hauling in $80.8 million. It was almost doubling again in June with $141 million and in July $141 million. Biden more than doubles again in August with the astounding number,$365 million raised!

A review of Trump’s campaign numbers are as follows: January – $60 million, Feb – $86 million, March – $63 million, April – $61 million, May – $74 Million, June – $131 million, July – $165 million, and in August – the official numbers are not out yet, but the RNC raised $74 million over the four-day convention alone. As of August, 21 – NPR reported that Trump had raised $1.21 Billion to Biden’s $ 699 million, see here.

There can be only two explanations for the explosion of exceeding fundraising cash amounts for Biden since May. Biden did not announce his running mate until August 11th, so explanation one would be that the popularity and voter enthusiasm for candidate Joe Biden passes that of all other Democrat nominees, including Obama. Care to lay odds on explanation one being a possibility? Yea, Right Wire Report, passes on those odds too. Biden got no bump in polling coming out of the Democrat Party Convention and has suffered from an enthusiasm gap in polling.

Have you guessed explanation two yet? Par for the leftist progressives cynical playbook, explanation two, of course, is something is rotten in Denmark, and all is not what it seems. This is the Right Wire Report‘s hypothesis on why Biden’s campaign is brimming with historic levels of cash:

  • The first George Floyd protest was held on May 26, 2020.
  • In the weeks following, BLM raised over $90 million, and totals of online donors into social justice campaigns via the Democrat Activist site Act Blue peaked at $392 million in June alone.
  • Since June, those numbers have gone higher with massive corporate donations ($1.6 BILLION) to BLM, see here, here, and here.
  • In August, the NBA owners pledged $300 billion to BLM while simultaneously announcing plans to set up 16 early voting Mega-polling sites using their arenas.
  • Despite the fake fact-checkers and MSM’s overdrive attempts to claim otherwise, all BLM and other key social justice charity donations are funneled through Act Blue,” the activist arm of the Democrat Party.”
  • Act Blue takes a cut to process all donations which are passed along to the DNC progressive party coffers.
Suddenly the Biden campaign is awash with cash. Are the BLM protest/riots feeding this newfound Democrats campaign money? If so, why would they want to stop them?

Just The News, Daniel Payne, wrote:

“The Democratic fundraising group appears to be pulling down significantly larger amounts of donations this spring than it has done in previous years. On its recap for April 2020, it lists over 4.4 million total contributions for that month — three times as many as listed in April 2018 — while the total dollar amount it processed in April, around $141,000,000, was up from just under $56 million the same month in 2018.”

“It is not clear how much of that money was donated specifically to Black Lives Matter. Neither ActBlue nor Black Lives Matter on their websites lists the amount of donations the latter group receives. The April numbers do not reflect the recent surge in donations to Black Lives Matter, which only began skyrocketing in late May after Floyd’s death in Minneapolis.”

One thing is for certain there is no limit to how much one can give to BLM as there when you give directly to a political campaign.

Donors giving to Black Lives Matter are not aware they are donating to the Democrat Party or Joe Biden. It appears highly plausible that the left and media allies have set fire to a narrative they created to then enable the racial turmoil which has become violent and holding America hostage at present. It appears likely that BLM, largely backed by billionaire left activist George Soros, is using the “charity” to siphon off money for the Democrat party.

Democrats using Americans, especially black Americans, as pawns for political expediency and cash cows?

That is exactly the Democrat party we all experience every day now-Cynical, deceitful, and immoral. Bill Barr and the FEC checkmate on the horizon?

We should all hope so.

RWR original article syndication source.

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