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Biden campaign gets caught trying to silence voters from speaking their truth about Biden: 'I'm going to cut you off there'

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

The Biden campaign is accused of running direct interference to stop voters critical of President Joe Biden from speaking with the media.

One day after Biden's disastrous debate performance, New York Times reporter Simon Levien tried to speak with voters at a Biden campaign rally in Nevada. Vice President Kamala Harris was the headline speaker.

'I watched staffers do the same thing to other reporters. Appeared to make at least one of my interviewees nervous.'

But as Levien canvassed the area and spoke with voters, something spooky happened: A Biden campaign staffer followed him around and blocked him from speaking with certain voters.

"As I spoke to voters at a Las Vegas rally for Vice President Harris, a Nevada Biden campaign staffer followed me and twice asked that voters end their interviews when their comments turned critical of President Biden," Levien reported.

In the first incident, Democratic voter Amy Nelson was telling Levien that she believes there are better Democratic candidates to run against Donald Trump when the Democratic Party staffer interrupted the interview.

"You can't tell me that there's not anyone better —" Nelson said.

"We're at a Joe Biden event, so I'm going to cut you off there, sorry," the staffer interjected.

That campaign staffer, Levien revealed in a pool report, was Clio Calvo-Platero, the deputy communications director for Biden's campaign operations in Nevada.

In the second incident, Levien tried to speak with an undecided voter, Stephen Stubbs. According to Levien, Stubbs was criticizing Biden's "mental acuity" while advocating for Biden to drop out of the race when Calvo-Platero, once again, stopped the interview.

"Who's running the country?" Stubbs told Levien. "Let Kamala in!"

"I'm going to stop it here, sorry, if I can. It's a Biden event. Is that OK?" Calvo-Platero interjected.

Levien later reported that he asked Calvo-Platero why she interfered with his job as a reporter. According to Levien, Calvo-Platero replied that "she was just doing her job."

Unfortunately, Levien was not the only reporter who experienced this odd behavior from the Biden campaign.

Taylor Avery, a reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, explained that a campaign staffer repeatedly cut off her interviews and intimidated voters from speaking freely.

"This also happened to me," Avery said. "A staffer tried not once but twice to cut off my interview with a voter who said they thought Biden should step down. They then ushered me and the voter inside because 'the VP is almost here' but the VP did not show up for another 30 minutes."

"Additionally, I had a staffer follow me and record at least three of my interviews. I watched staffers do the same thing to other reporters. Appeared to make at least one of my interviewees nervous," she explained.

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The post <a href=https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-campaign-interference-media-voters target=_blank >Biden campaign gets caught trying to silence voters from speaking their truth about Biden: 'I'm going to cut you off there'</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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