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BEWARE! Democrats In Red Districts Plan To Use TRUMP To Win Elections…

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
This is REALLY schemey folks… and independent and moderate voters MUST be made aware of it before they get duped.

Democrats in red districts are planning on pretending to “play nice” with Trump in order to win the upcoming election.

Once they get elected. Well, there's no telling WHAT they'll do…

But keep this in mind… if Democrats win back the majority, it's only a matter of time before those loonbags try impeachment proceedings.

According to BPR:

The Democratic Party's national congressional campaign office commissioned internal research advising red district candidates to express a willingness to work with President Donald Trump.

“Candidates should feel comfortable taking on Trump to protect the district but must express a willingness to work with the President when his agenda might help the district,” polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research said in a memo to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Axios obtained.

Politicians, who are willing to work with the president, have credibility when they criticize Trump on other issues, but “blanket opposition to Trump closes the door for many voters in these districts and makes it difficult for a Democrat when they inevitably challenge him,” the memo said.

“Blanket opposition”…So basically exactly what they've done so far. You can blame Pelosi for that one. Remember when she basically threatened anyone who DARED clap during the SOTU?

Expect Democrats to seem a lot less AWFUL in the upcoming months.

Since the 2016 election, many Democrats have been eager to pivot messaging toward aiding the middle class. Candidates should move back to a more classic platform emphasizing economic opportunity and highlighting wealth disparity, the researchers advised. There's plenty of room for a Democrat to do that successfully, according to the polling.

So basically stop nagging about a bunch of pointless SJW stuff. They MIGHT find that difficult.

“Despite controlling Washington, Republicans do not currently get majority credit for the improving economy, and that must remain muddled,” the researchers said. The poll of more than 1,000 people in 52 congressional districts found a 58 percent of voters believe the economy is improving due to “long term trends and the work of American people,” while only 40 percent credit Trump and the Republicans.

Dear LORD. A lot of those are the “Actually, Obama fixed everything!” crowd.

One issue Democrats have struggled with on messaging is the tax cuts Congress passed in late 2017. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was criticized for regularly referring to the tax benefits as “crumbs,” but the DCCC's research found there is still room to frame the tax cuts negatively.

The tax bill is more popular now than when first enacted, while it “is open to definition in a way that can drive down support” — particularly if Democrats can point out the “long-term costs that require cuts to Social Security and Medicare with higher taxes for the middle class down the road” or paint it as a giveaway to Wall Street, pharmaceutical companies and other corporations, CEOs and the wealthy.

UGH. Give me a break.

Seeking to be part of a “blue wave” to control the House of Representatives this November, some Democratic candidates already absorbed the message of needing to show willingness to work with Republicans.

So keep your eyes peeled, folks.

Democrats are about to start acting a lot less unhinged… it's all an act. Don't trust it.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/03/30/beware-democrats-in-red-districts-plan-to-use-trump-to-win-elections/ target=_blank >BEWARE! Democrats In Red Districts Plan To Use TRUMP To Win Elections…</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Sneaky demorhoidcRATS are charming as snakes.

Sad to say, a whole lot of back stabbing RINO fake republicans are the same way.
Reactions: Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Sneaky demorhoidcRATS are charming as snakes.

Sad to say, a whole lot of back stabbing RINO fake republicans are the same way.
Only a small percentage of the population fought the British for our independence. Over 240 years later, roughly the same small percentage are vocally opposing the left.
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