“What MSM and Fake News Aren't Telling You!”
Already two months ago, a primary issue shouted, by Yellow Vests in Alberta, is that “Alberta is almost another Venezuela!”
Venezuela is oil-rich but was broken by the globalists. The result is that Russia, Iran, and Turkey are now building a presence in Venezuela!
Is the same slated for Alberta on the heinous globalist agenda?
In Venezuela, Iran is feverishly establishing both missiles bases and terrorist training camps. While the MSM is telling you none of this, it is happening as you read this!
And is the main reason why Pompeo is ready to go with 5,000 American troops ready for Columbia. Indeed, some analysts believe World War III could actually start in Venezuela!
But could this same Russian, Iranian, Turkish presence be established in Alberta? With Iranian missiles now being set up in Venezuela, they have also been passing through Canada! Click here.
Still another ominous factor exists. The expansionist agenda of the Communist People's Republic of China is to date unhindered and unrestrained in Alberta. Will tensions arise between China and the Russian/Iranian/Turkish movements?
How close is Alberta to darkly mirroring Venezuela? Surely when the Canadian Natural Resources Limited oilsands become barren…
Though Canadian Fake News MSM won't release the number, Vigileaks confirmed the CNRL will lay off 2,000 Alberta workers – to add to Alberta's human devastation – then will completely sell out and get out of the business.
This will lead even more oil fields to be purchased by Islam and the Communist Chinese, both who alarmingly control far too much in Alberta now! [Meanwhile, Edmonton's Marxist mayor recently raised small business property tax from $14,000 to $88,000, while Trudeau gives “refugee” individuals $2,800 per month, while ensuring Canada's true seniors receive half that while paying steady increases in the carbon tax.]
CNRL signaled the closure will lead to job cuts in Bonnyville, Elk Point, and Lloydminster. In its letter, CNRL did not specify how many jobs were at risk. Vigileaks discovered the literal number is 2,000 jobs – as all draconian-economic domino effects across the province rapidly follow!
In this convoluted quagmire of globalist-induced economic chaos, a bold and courageous voice emerges in Alberta! Stephen Garvey, leader of the National Citizens Alliance based in Calgary, is 24/7 resisting the foreign takeover to subjugate and impoverish Albertans!
Just as Juan Guaido is now leader of Venezuela – US President Donald Trump publicly recognizes him as the country's leader – US President Donald Trump, to protect a vital segment of the US northern border, needs to also recognize NCA Leader Stephen Garvey as Alberta's leader and Canada's next Prime Minister!
Garvey is a nationalistic hero attacked on all sides! Yet he forges bravely ahead to simultaneously fight Sharia Law and Alberta's oil-worker demise! Americans! Help protect the northern border – indeed, help encourage an unusual hero – by showing your verbal and other support for the National Citizens Alliance today! Click here! Tomorrow may certainly be too late…
See Garvey's brave stand here:
The post Alberta Another Venezuela! appeared first on iPatriot.
The post <a href=https://ipatriot.com/alberta-another-venezuela/ target=_blank >Alberta Another Venezuela!</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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