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A New Day, A New Way

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

A NEW DAY . . . . . A NEW WAY

I feel a surge of enthusiasm today. The Republicans and Conservatives seem to have grown a set. Not only in their courage of voting, but also in their willingness to speak out. Senator Graham has led the charge. All a group of sad-sacks needs is one respected member to stand up, and they all will follow.

And it was a woman to follow first, who provided the words to flow in unison and strength; Senator Collins was the last person from whom I would have expected such a tremendous and well thought out speech. She was an excellent follow-up to Senator Graham who was exemplary in leading his fellow- Representatives. I was glued to Senator Collins every word. She covered everything; during the entire speech, I could not discern what her vote would be.

In trying to avoid redundancy, I will only sum up my thoughts on this recent, and entirely ridiculous childish attempt by the “LEFT”, to use such tactics to WIN. Since when do our Legislators fight to WIN? I was under the impression they were in place to represent the People of their district. It has become more and more obvious to their constituents that the voters of such have been left behind.

I am not going to predict a blow out of the Liberals in the upcoming election, but I do hope for an eye-opening of many.

Instead of a childish ” … I didn't do it, mommy … “, response, it would be more advantageous for them to admit to their abominable behavior and move on to promote more constructive and intelligent conduct in this, our most revered and respected congregation of the best of our Society, known as the United States Congress.

I would also hope that those among us that have followed this group of LEFTIST misguided children (of all ages), take note of their behavior, and especially their language and threats, and realize that it is time to grow up. Many are still emotionally in their mid-teens. And we all know what that portrays!

To quote many that have gone before us: ” …. stop and smell the roses; look around you; see the devastation that you have caused; research our History and know what motivated our Revolution … “!

Get out of yourselves and begin to prepare the Nation for those that will follow.


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