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5 Fast Facts About Judge Kimba Wood

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Federal Judge Kimba Wood will be overseeing the court case against President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Here are five facts about Judge Wood – and why Trump should be very worried.

1. She was President Bill Clinton's pick for Attorney General in 1993

President Bill Clinton nominated Wood to become the first female Attorney General. In fact, Wood was hand-picked by Hillary Clinton, who had been asked to submit a list of possible nominees for her husband's consideration. However, Wood withdrew from the nomination after the White House learned about her brief time as a Playboy Bunny – and that she employed an illegal alien as a nanny. Further, Wood actually helped the nanny to illegally remain in the country by paying taxes for her.

2. She trained as a Playboy Bunny

The daughter of a U.S. Army career officer and speechwriter, Wood spent much of her childhood and young adulthood in Europe. While studying at the London School of Economics in the 1960s, she trained for a few days as a croupier at a Playboy Bunny casino, but quit because “she thought the gig was silly.” Nevertheless, the job would haunt her in her later career and played a role in costing her the position of Attorney General.

3. She had an extramarital affair that earned her the nickname the “Love Judge”

Wood might be a judge, but her personal past indicates that her moral scruples are lacking. In 1995 at the age of 51, Wood began an affair with married multimillionaire Wall Street financier Frank Richardson. The affair was uncovered by Richardson's wife when she found passionate passages written about Wood in Richardson's diary. The tryst earned Wood the nickname the “Love Judge” during Richardson's divorce trial. Wood married Richardson in 1999.

4. She officiated George Soros's wedding

Wood officiated the 2013 wedding of notorious liberal billionaire George Soros. At the time, Soros was 83 and his bride, Tamiko Bolton, was 42. Numerous prominent liberals attended the wedding, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and then-California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsome. In lieu of wedding gifts, the couple asked that donations be made to several organizations including Planned Parenthood and Global Witness, an environmental activist group.

5. She doesn't believe in attorney-client privilege

During Cohen's hearing on Monday, Wood forced Cohen to expose the identity of a previously unnamed client. That client turned out to be none other than Fox News host Sean Hannity, who maintains that he only asked Cohen for legal advice as a friend and never retained or paid him for any legal services.

This is the woman presiding over the court case involving @realDonaldTrump's lawyer.

Her name is Kimba Wood.

She forced lawyer Michael Cohen to disclose the names of his OTHER clients.

She is a Clinton confidante who was chosen by Hillary to be AG.

The #DEEPstate is real. pic.twitter.com/bpnPgdsVBU

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) April 16, 2018

As many people have pointed out, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.

You really can't make this stuff up. The Federal Judge, Kimba Wood, who officiated the wedding of George Soros is presiding over the already controversial case regarding a raid of the President's lawyer. How can anyone possibly argue this isn't explicitly partisan optics? https://t.co/A9wbqxK2sn

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) April 16, 2018

Wait a minute….the judge hearing the Michel Cohen case today is Kimba Wood? That Kimba Wood? Harvard Law grad who once trained a few days as Playboy Bunny + once nominated by Bill Clinton as AG? Stuff you just could not make up.

— Michael Smerconish (@smerconish) April 13, 2018

Kimba Wood, judge presiding in Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen's case is a left-wing HACK.

She was chosen by Bill Clinton (Hillary's decision) to be AG.

She officiated George Soros' wedding.

She just forced Cohen to turn over his other clients.


— Jack Murphy (@RealJack) April 16, 2018

“Soros and Bolton, 42, exchanged vows in a small ceremony at his Bedford, New York, estate…Federal judge Kimba Wood officiated at the non-denominational wedding.”

Same judge as on Trump case.

Can't script this story.

— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) April 16, 2018

Has the deep state ever been more obvious than it is now?

Share this if you think Judge Kimba Wood should be recused from the case against Trump attorney Michael Cohen!

The post 5 Fast Facts About Judge Kimba Wood appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/judge-kimba-wood/ target=_blank >5 Fast Facts About Judge Kimba Wood</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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