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david hogg

  1. JVelisek

    The Latest Shiny Toy

    Looking back on the “March for Our Lives” from this last weekend has allowed a little perspective to the citizens of this country and where we go from here. It is difficult for me to take the March seriously when armed guards surround them. Do they think a bunch of 2nd Amendment acolytes were...
  2. JVelisek

    Todays March is a Nothingburger

    Today is the day of the “March For Our Lives," which has now transformed into an all-out anti-gun, anti-2nd amendment and anti-Trump movement. Taking place in cities all across the country and funded by anti-gun left wing organizations, it will become a debacle that did not need to occur...
  3. JVelisek

    A Walkout Based on Lies

    Yesterday was a walkout of over 3000 schools throughout the country as a way to show deference to the students murdered by a crazed gunman is Parkland Florida. This is a major story as it should be, but the reasons for the walkout mutated to nothing more than another reason to bash the NRA and...