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  1. RichWall

    Is this Treason?

    Good point.
  2. RichWall

    Is our Democratic Republic Fading?

    It's not fading. It's being ripped to shreds by Socialist/Communists through the Public education (cough cough) system.
  3. RichWall

    This is a Lemon

    Don Lemon advocates that white men are the biggest terror threat to our country. I see this as being a provocation towards violence against white men. CNN remains silent on Lemon's Racist comments. Don Lemon Doubles Down On Comments That White Men Are Biggest Domestic Terror Threat...
  4. RichWall

    Is this Treason?

    Pentagon rejected request for troops it viewed as emergency law enforcement at border https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/02/politics/white-house-pentagon-troops-border/index.html Seems it is treason to me. Trump is our Commander in Chief. This border is an international border......
  5. RichWall

    Does the First Amendment Require Government Neutrality toward Religion?

    They mistake "Freedom of Religion"(1st amendment) with "Freedom from Religion" with atheists not recognizing that their own belief system fits the definition of a religion. Also the term atheists means to be opposite of a religion, therefore the religion being opposed to has to be present...
  6. RichWall

    WE Don't Believe You!

    This van was staged for low information voters https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/26/reports-florida-police-detain-man-for-questioning-on-mail-bomb-campaign/
  7. RichWall

    CNN Host Says ‘No One’s Blaming the President’ for Pipe Bombs Before Panelist Blames Trump

    I am convinced that The Left has gone full blown Communist.
  8. RichWall

    Hillary Clinton Mobster Boss

    Leftism Con't Remove the ability of the opposition to speak out. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/oct/16/facebook-political-activism-pages-inauthentic-behavior-censorship
  9. RichWall

    BREAKING: Michael Avenatti Reveals His Own Kavanaugh Accuser. Demands Kavanaugh Not Be Confirmed!

    It looks to me that Micheal Avenatti seems to collect emotionally unstable women for his causes. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/26/ex-boyfriend-filed-restraining-order-against-kavanaugh-accuser-845348
  10. RichWall

    Hatch: ‘Democrats Are Engaged in a Coordinated Effort to Stop’ Kavanaugh’s Confirmation

    I'm afraid we will see more sex oriented allegations in the future from the Democrat Socialists aimed at any person deemed a political threat. Not only will good people become reluctant to stand for office or they may be continually scorned because of doubt. Those that have a legitimate...
  11. RichWall

    The Character of Ted Cruz

    https://www.numbersusa.com/ A great site for quantification of Congress' elected on various issues. https://www.numbersusa.com/content/my/congress/11589/gradescoresheet/ The idea that Ted Cruz's seat has any real competition took me by surprise. He certainly has my vote.
  12. RichWall

    America Has Lost Respect for the Constitution

    I had to think on this, but your words, for sake of Christian symmetry and freedom of Religion, work best(y).
  13. RichWall

    America Has Lost Respect for the Constitution

    Islam uses the Koran (obviously) to justify a 6th century code of conduct Sharia Law. Hiding behind Islam as a Religion the true hidden agenda is to put Sharia law in place of our Constitution as the dominate executive of power, here and around the world. We need to look past the Religion as...
  14. RichWall

    Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

    Thank you Both :)
  15. RichWall

    Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

    Looks like my message needs to be approved.
  16. RichWall

    Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

    Thank You. It's very much a pleasure to be welcomed here. I was really surprised when I first heard this video. Even though Red Skelton is known for comedy he give us a very somber , if not emotional and focused reason for why we fight. A bit reminds me of Frank Capra's WWII series of the same...
  17. RichWall

    Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

    I'm a new recruit to this site and would like to start off on the best foot I can find;